I and my best friends.
Английский язык Урок по теме «Дружба» 7 класс УМК под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева и др. Выполнила Н.М. Мучинская и учащиеся 7 класса
1. Have you got a friend? 2. What is your friends name? 3. Is he (she) your classmate? 4. What kind of girl is he (she)? 5. What do you like to do together? 6. Is he (she) your true friend? 7. Are you happy with your friend ? 8. Do you like your friend?
A friend in need is a friend indeed. Old friend and old wine are best. Lend your money and lose your friend. A hedge between keeps friends green. A friend of all is a friend of none. Proverbs about friendship:
Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalent: 1. Friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. Old friend and old wine are best. 3. Lend your money and lose your friend. 4. A hedge between keeps friends green. 5. A friend of all is a friend of none. a) Друг всем, друг никому. b) Вещь хороша, пока новая,а друг – когда старый. c) Друг познается в беде. d) Дружба дружбой, а служба службой. e) Когда между друзьям изгородь, то и дружба дольше.
Lend your money is a friend indeed. A friend of all is and lose your friend. Old friend and old wine a friend of none. A hedge between are best. Friend in need keeps friends green. Match the columns:
Finish the sentences: 1. It was difficult to …. 2. It was easy to …. 1. act the dialogues. 2. answer the questions. 3. recite the poems. 4. make up sentences. 5. tell about our classmates.