What do you know about space? 8 th FORM Учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия п.г.т.Богатые Сабы Сабинского муниципального района РТ» Гимазова Дина Табрисовна п.г.т.Б.Сабы 2012г.
Цели урока 1. Практические: формирование практических умений и навыков в чтения, письма и монологической речи, аудирования. 2. Образовательные: пополнить словарный запас учащихся; научить правильно произносить новые слова, правильно употреблять определенный артикль the. 3. Воспитательные: повысить мотивацию учащихся к изучению иностранного языка, сформировать доброжелательное отношение между учениками.
Phonetic drills [¸intəgə΄læktik][΄ætməsfiə] [΄distəns][΄səulə΄sistim] [΄gæləksi][΄ju:nivз:s] [΄sæti|ait][΄te|iskəup]
THE UNIVERSE all space, including all the stars andplanets is
STARS large balls of burning gas in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky are
THE EARTH theplanet that we live on is
THE SUN the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves is
A COMET an object in space like a bright ball with a long tail, that moves around the sun is
THE MOON the round object that you can see shining in the sky at night is
ORBIT the curved path travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such as the Earth, the sun is
A SATELLITE a machine that has been sent into space is
the Earth universe Moon sky sea country the space But: Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Watch video and say what did you see
Lets speak about Galaxies Use: In my opinion … To my mind … As I see it …
Exercise 40 at page 14 Its true because it is said in the that … Its false because it is said in the text …
Homework Textbook: ex.42 at p.15, ex.9 at p.34, Workbook: ex.4,5 at p.9
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