Present Simple Tense Простое настоящее время
Действие происходит регулярно, постоянно
глаголы read books clean teeth wash hands go to school play with friends do homework walk with the dog have breakfast
I, we, you, they имя сущ. во мн. ч. He, she, it имя сущ. в ед. ч. V 1 read play do go walk I clean teeth every day. V s reads plays does goes walks He walks the dog every day. Повествовательные предложения
S [s] [z] [iz] likes helps walks visits skates plays goes does has skis washes wishes closes dances teaches Read correctly: Runs, jumps, swims, reads, skips, sits, counts, meets, writes, eats, sings
Lets sing I like, we like, you like, they like He likes, she likes, it likes I play, you play, we play, they play He plays, she plays, it plays I clean, we clean, you clean, they clean He cleans, she cleans, it cleans
I, we, you, they им. сущ. во мн. ч. not do V 1 read play do go walk We do not play on Sunday. not He, she, it имя сущ. в ед. ч. does V 1 read play do go walk Tom does not read books every day. Отрицательные предложения
…? DoDoes I, we, you, they имя сущ. во мн. ч. He, she, it имя сущ. в ед. ч. V1 read play do go walk V1 read play do go walk Do you play in the park?Does he play in the park?
? ? ? do does What Why When Where I, we, you, they имя сущ. во мн. ч. V1 read play do go walk What Why When Where He, she, it имя сущ. в ед. ч. V1 read play do go walk What do you like to do on Sunday? What does she like to do on Sunday?