Аудирование. 1. Основное содержание текста: соответствие высказывания говорящему. 2.Извлечение необходимой информации: верно, не верно, не сказано 3.С полным пониманием: выбор ответа на вопрос.
Чтение 1. Основное содержание текста: соответствие заголовков и текстов 2.структурно-смысловые связи в тексте: вставить предложения в текст в соответствии с его содержанием 3.Полное понимание: выбрать правильный ответ на вопрос
Лексика и грамматика 1. Части речи и их грамматические категории 2. Словообразование: приставки, суффиксы; место частей речи в предложении 3. сочетаемость слов
Алгоритмы выполнения заданий части B 4-B Определи часть речи в задании 2. Определи категорию: а) Существительное: множественное число, притяжательный падеж б) Местоимение:притяжательное, косвенное, абсолютное притяжа- тельное, возвратно-усилительное, неопределённое, указательное в) числительное: порядковое г) Прилагательное: сравнительная или превосходная степень д) Глагол: время – Present, Past, Future залог - Active, Passive временная форма - Present Past Future Simple, Present, Past, Conti- nuous, Present, Past Perfect Simple/Continuous, Future-in-the Past) причастие- I или II (если в предложении есть глагол- сказуемое) герундий (после предлогов)
Алгоритм выполнения части B 11- B Определи, что стоит перед пропущенным словом и после него это существительное 2. Если перед словом стоит артикль или прилагательное- это существительное это глагол или прилагательное 3. Если за словом стоит существительное – это глагол или прилагательное это глагол 4. Если перед словом стоит существительное- это глагол это наречие 5. Если перед словом стоит глагол- это наречие это существительное или герундий 6. Если пред словом предлог- это существительное или герундий Наречие наречие степени 7. Наречие может быть перед глаголом, причастием I или прилагательным, если это наречие степени 8.Определи по смыслу, нужна ли отрицательная приставка 9. Если по смыслу требуется прилагательное, а оно дано в задании, необходимо добавить отрицательную приставку или суффикс
Категория существительного Число Единственное множественное Исчисляемые неисчисляемые исчисляемые
Irregular plural forms Man – men swine – swine Woman – women deer - deer Child- children means - means Foot – feet species - species Tooth – teeth sheep - sheep Goose – geese series - series Ox – oxen aircraft - aircraft Mouse – mice fish- fish Louse – lice
Неисчисляемые существительные 1. вещества:sugar, sand, snow etc. 2. абстрактные существительные: love, friendship, hope etc. 3. учебные предметы, науки, языки: Physics, economics, English etc. 4. болезни:mumps, the flue, pneumonia etc. 5. игры: cards, billiards, chess, draughts etc. 6. виды спорта: gymnastics, swimming etc.
Только единственное число Absence Agriculture Advice Atmosphere Baggage Countryside Design Education Environment Evidence Luck Failure Fun Health Intelligence Information Love Machinery Cutlery Stationary Music Permission Progress News Progress Traffic Anger Beauty Concern Courage Electricity Equipment Existence Furniture Help Justice Nature Poverty Reality Seaside Weather Behaviour Damage Earth Evil Experience Fear Freedom Homework Knowledge Peace Pride Research Spaghetti Lightening Laughter
Только множественное число Archives Arms Belongings Clothes Middle Ages Congratulations Earnings Goods Looks Manners Outskirts Premises Proceeds Regards Remains Resources Riches Surroundings Thanks Pyjamas Braces Pincers Pliers Tweezers Breeches Pants Binoculars Glasses Police Cattle Traffic lights The tropics Valuables Whereabouts Scales Trousers Tongs Scissors
Множественное число слов латинского и греческого происхождения us – i Cactus –cacti a – ae Agenda – agendae on – a um - a criterion – criteria datum -data is – es thesis – theses
Падеж Общий притяжательный s a boys schoolbag todays news the countrys government s the sisters parents but: the womens hats
Make the plural form of the following nouns. Story Play Glass Name Prize Key Solo Factory Roof Chief City Nucleus Symposium Basis Life Merry-go-round Ticket-holder Governor-general Lily-of-valley Sit-in Room-mate Man-of war Postman Dish Army Criterion Cliff
Once there lived a woman and she had three_______ CHILD The ________ nurse, an old woman, charmed them BABY so they grew into real_____, so attractive that many BEAUTY __ were willing to marry one of three _________ MAN, WOMAN The eldest married the king of _____, the second married ELF the king of _____. But the youngest of the ______ daughters MAN, WOMAN didnt want to marry. She played with ____ and ___ FOX, DEER in the forest and went to ____ and ________ for a RIVER, LAKE swim with wild _____ where she once was seen by the king GOOSE of ________ who fell in great _________ with her. DWARF, LOVE Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the nouns. 1. He took a lot of ______ of me with wet hair. PHOTO 2. He was one of a disappearing ______, the small SPECIES town general practitioner. 3. I am not good at other ____________ affairs. PEOPLE 4. Among the guests invited to the party there were persons from all ________ of the society. STRATUM 5._________ are always small. 6. Mr. Brown was satisfied with ________ and_______ TOM, NICK Visit. 7. Its my _________ seventieth birthday. MOTHER-IN-LAW 8. These _________ are quite possible. HYPOTHESIS 9. All ________ spend the morning working in the dining room. WAITRESS 10. Suddenly she realized that there were no _____ in the street. PASSER- BY 11. Hot milk was her ________ favourite remedy. MOTHER 12. If _________ appeared tonight, it would be not surprising. WOLF 13. He kept his eyes fixed on his _______ face. SISTER 14. Michael saw his ________ neck grow redder. NEIGHBOUR 15. The garden was full of ________ and a sweet fragrance from roses BUTTERFLY 16. Public _________ are short of beds. SANATORIUM 17. Scarlet was ________ child. MISS BOSSINY 18. The _________ voice was heard in the distance. GIRL 19. His a close friend of my _______. FATHER 20. The __________ supper is ready. CHILD
Местоимения ЛичныеПритяжательные прилагательные притяжательныекосвенныеВозвратно- усилительные Imymineme myself youyouryoursyou yourself hehis him himself sheherhersher herself itits it itself weouroursus ourselves youyouryoursyou yourselves theytheirtheirsthem themselves подлежащее, дополнение Перед существительным Вместо существительного с притяжательным местоимением. Подлежащее,дополне- ние,после гл. to be Дополнение после глаголов После глаголов и в конце предложения в значении: сам, себя
1 1. John little spoke about_____ school, and we think it was HE 2. because he had little love there. What he_______ spoke MANY 3. of was the library. ________ seemed to comfort him and IT 4. to keep _______ company. Would you like it if a friend HE 5. of _________ spoke only of books and_______ else? YOU, NO 6. We all soon got tired of speaking about books and _______ THEY 7. characters, and there was _______ who could explain to us NO 8. that _____ friend needed _________ understanding. WE 1. This is not ______ textbook. I need _______. I 2. A friend of ______ knows some foreign languages. I 3. Who is there? Its ______, _______ aunt from Canada. I, YOU 4. dont forget to take _______ umbrella. YOU 5. He knew ________ address _________. WE, HE 6. Was he with ______ wife at the party? HE 7. Judge by ________, which of them is right. YOU 8. He left ________ key in the room. I have _______ with. HE, I 9. I cut _____ with a sharp knife. I 10. She put a cup of coffee in front of ________ and started SHE to read a newspaper. 11. He couldnt repair the TV-set ________ and asked ____ friend. HE 12. He didnt only come ________ but brought all his relatives with. HE 13. They found _________ in a strange place. THEY 14. She saw it with ________ own eyes. SHE
Indefinite and negative pronouns. Type of sentences AdjectivesPronouns people Pronouns things Adverbs +someSomebody, someone somethingsomewhere -Not any, no Not anybody, not anyone, nobody, no one, none Not anything, nothing Not anywhere, nowhere ?anyAnybody, anyone anythinganywhere all typesAny,every, each, both, all Anybody, everybody anything, everything Anywhere, everywhere
Fill in the pronoun in the proper form. 1. If ________ asks you, tell them you must go to the meeting. ANY 2. ______ of them can play this game. NO 3. ____ talked ________ was listening to the teacher. EVERY, NO 4. Ill be very surprised if ________ is wrong. SOME 5. They sent the boy ________. I saw him in the yard. SOME 6. Can you tell me ________ about your children? SOME 7. I know ________ about them. NO 8. Does _______ has the possibility to do what he wants. ANY 9. He may be ___________ now. You wont find him. ANY 10. ________ of them were talking lively. SOME 11. Please look for this letter ___________. SOME 12. They noticed ________ interesting. SOME 13. you may take ________ you like because she let you do it. ANY 14. This girl wants to know ________. She asks many questions to us. EVERY 15. Children did not write _____. They were sleeping. ANY 16. I heard that the door opened and ________ came into the room. SOME 17. Look! There is _____ clothes here. SOME 18. _______ of us can explain it. Its very difficult. NO 19. ________ wrote about it yet. NO 20. Have you seen ____ on the shelf? ANY 21. I dont know _________ here. ANY 22. _________ must pay. SOME 23. She saw _________ as it was very dark in the room. NO 24. I didnt want to speak to ___________. ANY 25. They will go _________ next morning. SOME 26. If you help me, Ill do ________ in time. EVERY 27. We heard _______ because of the noise in the street. NO 28. ______ of the children has got up yet. NO 29. We can travel _________ this summer. SOME 1. _________ prefer swords, and others prefer battle axes. SOME 2. though _________ of them could fight well with almost EACH 3. ________. The only thing they were afraid of was magic. THING 4. only thinking of _____ charms and spells made them THIS 5. weak in ________ knees. They saw magic _______. THEY, EVERY 6. The alphabet _______ was magical and thus an unfriendly IT 7. thing. ________ magical everyday thing was fire, which OTHER 8. though magical, was a friend. God, a piece of ________ WHO 9. fire had once been stolen, shared _______ power with it. THEY 10.Even ________, civilized people, feel secure sitting near the WE fire.
Глаголы с герундием To suggest To give up To mention to put off To enjoy to accuse of To mind to blame for To excuse to agree to To deny to approve of To avoid to complain of Top escape to depend on To postpone to feel like Cannot help to insist on Cant stand to look like To fancy to object to To imagine to rely on To fear to think of/ about To admit to speak of/ about To appreciate to succeed in To practice to suspect of To quit to look forward to To recollect to have/miss an opportunity To resent to thank for To resist to apologize for To risk to give up To finish prevent from To dislike To involve To consider To forgive To spend/waste time adjective+preposition V +Ving to be engaged in to be afraid of to be fond of to be proud of Gerund or Infinitive to be guilty of To begin to be surprised at To like to be sure of To prefer to be tired of To start to be capable of To prefer to be interested in To hate to be disappointed at To love to be good/bad at To continue to be responsible for To remember to be/ get used to To forget to be devoted to To stop to be in charge of To regret to be charged with To need to be famous for To want to be (dis)pleased with to be worth it is no good there is no point there is no it is no use
Complex object. (дополнение с инфинитивом ) Группы глаголовПримерыПеревод Of physical perception (физического восприятия): to see, to hear, to notice, to observe, to feel, to watch. Без to I saw a girl come into the house. They heard the door slam. We notice him change his opinion. Я видела, что (как) девочка вошла в дом. Они слышали, что (как) хлопнула дверь. Мы замечаем, что он меняет свою точку зрения. Of mental perception (умственного восприятия): To understand, to suppose, to realise, to remember, to believe, to think, to know, to expect, to consider, to doubt, to forget The family expected him to come next week. The teacher understands his students not to be ready for the lesson. Семья ожидала, что он приедет на следующей неделе. Учитель понимает, что ученики не готовы к уроку. Of orders and requests (приказания и прсьбы): to order, to ask, to forbid, to let (,без to), to allow, to make (без to), to offer, to permit, to advise, to tell, to command, to force, to cause (без to), have (без'to'). The policeman ordered the criminal to surrender. That man made us clean the whole garden. His friends forced him to take up sport. Полицейский приказал преступнику сдаться. Этот человек заставил нас чистить весь сад. Его друзья вынудили его заняться спортом. Of liking, preference and wish( педпочтения и желания): to wish, to want, to like, to prefer, to desire, to hate, would like, to love. She likes her children to play near the house. They hate him to be asked a lot of questions. Ей нравится, когда дети играют возле дома. Они терпеть не могут, что ему задают много вопросов. Of saying and reporting (говорения и сообщения): to report, to inform, to declare, to say, to state, to shout. The employer informed the man to be taken on for the position. The officer reported the enemys troops to attack. Работодатель сообщил, что этого человека примут на эту должность. Офицер доложил, что вражеские войска атакуют
Алгоритмы выполнения заданий по чтению 1. Часть B 21. Часть B 2 Прочитай все заголовки Прочитай текст и найди слово- синоним, данному в задании 2. Часть B 32. Часть B 3 Прочитай предложения, которые нужно вставить Прочитай предложение до пропуска и после него и определи, какое из предложений подходит по смыслу. Выполни задание до конца и проверь ещё раз, подходят ли выбранные тобой предложения 3. Часть А 15 –А 213. Часть А 15 –А 21 Прочитай первый вопрос и ответы на него Начинай читать текст и читай, пока не найдёшь фразу, связанную с вопросом Прочитай ответы ещё раз и выбери правильный. (как правило в нём есть синоним тому, о чём говориться в тексте) Если синонима нет, обрати внимание на ответы, которые не связаны с текстом или информация в них дана не правильно. Оставшееся предложение и будет ответом always, never, all, everybody, nothingОбрати внимание на слова :always, never, all, everybody, nothing, Работай в той же последовательности с остальными вопросами