Russian Alphabet Part 2 We already know five letters. They are shown in green. Today well learn seven more: As you can see Э,У, Ы and И are vowels. Л,


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Russian Alphabet Part 2

We already know five letters. They are shown in green. Today well learn seven more: As you can see Э,У, Ы and И are vowels. Л, Н and Р on the other hand are consonants. vowelsconsonantssigns А О Э У ЫБ В Г Д З Ж Л М Н Р Йь Я Ё Е Ю ИП Ф К Т С Ш Ц Х Ч Щъ

Lets see how these letters sound: Part 2 lettersoundsimilar English sound Э, э[e]step, let У, уУ, у[u]choose, sugar Ы, ы[ı][ı]roses, present И, и[i][i]pick, sleep Л, л[l][l]lemon, love Н, н[n]nice, north P, р[r]rice, travel

Part 2 Now we know six vowels: А О Э У Ы И and six consonants:Л М Н Р К Т We are now able to create syllables. We can actually make a lot of them. Listen to how I read these syllables and then read them aloud yourself: ла - ло - лэ - лу - лы - лиал - ол - эл - ул - ыл - ил ма - мо - мэ - му - мы - миам - ом - эм - ум - ым - им на - но - нэ - ну - ны - ни ан - он - эн - ун - ын - ин ра - ро - рэ - ру - ры - риар - ор - эр - ур - ыр - ир ка - ко - кэ - ку - кы - ки ак - ок - эк - ук - ык - ик та - то - тэ - ту - ты - ти ат - от - эт - ут - ыт - ит

Part 2 After reading the syllables you should be able to memorize all 12 letters that we have learned so far. If you are having difficulties go over the syllables again and do not forget about the exercises at the end of the post.