Henricj Boll Stifrung Kiev Chernobyl disaster - 25 years later (April th, 2011, Modern Art Research Institute, vul. Shch0rsa, 18D, Kiev) How many Chernobyl death? How many Chernobyl death? Alexey V. Yablokov Green Russia fraction, YABLOKO Party, Russia
IAEA-WHO (2005) Chernobyl death toll: deaths in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia caused by cancers during 70 years Yablokov, 2011
Infant mortality rates and undisturbed trend line Infant mortality rates in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, and undisturbed trend line ( Yablokov, 2011
Infant mortality rates in Switzerland and Finland, , and undisturbed trend line (official statistical data, by Korblein, in litt. 2008) Yablokov, 2011 Finland
Deviation from perinathal mortality trend in Zhytomir and Kiev provinces, 1995 – 2003 (Korblein, 2006). Yablokov, 2011
Мертворождаемость в Германии, 1960 – 1992 гг. (Scherb and Wiegelt, 2009)
Yablokov, 2011 Chernobyl death toll by the doses approach
UNSCEAR (2011): «Комитет решил не использовать модели для предсказания абсолютного числа эффектов в популяциях, получивших низкие дозы радиации от Чернобыльской аварии, поскольку неопределенность таких предсказаний неприемлема " Yablokov, 2011
Additional Mortality in six Russian Chernobyls provinces (1990 – 2004, Additional Mortality in six Russian Chernobyls provinces (1990 – 2004, 37,5/1000, Cs Ci/km 2 ) (Khudoley et al.,2006) Yablokov, 2011
Additional Chernobyl mortality for years after the Catastrophe for territories > 1 Ci/km 2 Belarus : 3,3 % - 8,9 % (Рубанова, 2003), Russia : 3,75 % (Худолей и др., 2006) Ukrain : 3,6 % (Дубовая, 2010). Yablokov, 2011
Total number of Chernobyl death for the first 25 th years Belarus, Ukraine, Russia = other Europe outside Europe Global ( steelbirts*) *by H. Scherb (2011) Chernobyl steelbrth Yablokov, 2011
Chernobyl catastrophe - the largest catastrophe in history Yablokov, 2010
Henricj Boll Stifrung Kiev Chernobyl disaster - 25 years later (April th, 2011, Modern Art Research Institute, vul. Shch0rsa, 18D, Kiev) Thank you for your attention ! Yablokov, 2011
Vassily Nesterenko, A.Yablokov, Geneve, 26 April, 2008, Yablokov, 2011