The Present Perfect Tense Авторская работа учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ 21 с УИОП Бычковой Анны Юрьевны.


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The Present Perfect Tense Авторская работа учителя английского языка МОУ СОШ 21 с УИОП Бычковой Анны Юрьевны

The Present Perfect Tense We use the present perfect tense when we talk about time that continues from the past until now. The action in the past has a result now. The team was very sad. It has lost this competition. Are you thirsty ? No, I have just drunk orange juice.

The Present Perfect Tense is have/has + past participle (washed/done) He, she, it have (= `ve) has (=`s ) V3/ed I, we, they, you

Exercise 1 1.Susan has sent a telegram. 2.The children have put on their coats today. 3.I have bought some milk for milk shakes this morning. 4.They have already had their evening tea. 5. The pupil has written his composition. Translate these sentences from English into Russian

You can use the Present Perfect Tense with these helping words: just, already, ever, yet, lately, recently, today, this year, this evening, so far, in the last few days, since breakfast. I,we,you,they+have+helping words+V3/ed He, she, it+has+helping words+V3/ed

I We They You have already just ever never cleaned written He She It has finished gone today lately recently this morning The Present Perfect Tense

Exercise 2 Make up the sentences: 1. I (translate) a difficult article from German into Russian. (already) 2. Dad (watch) his favourite film. (just) 3. We (buy) a CD player and some CDs with good music. (lately) 4. James ( drink) a bottle of apple juice. (this morning) 5. She (open) the box of sweets. (already)

Have I we they you helping words ++ seen worked ? Has+ he she It + drunk phoned +helping words? Use yet only in ? and -- sentences QUESTIONS

Exercise 3 Ask the following questions: 1. It often rains in autumn in London. (When?) 2. She has been to Italy. (Has__?) 3. Не is going to the park now. (Who?) 4.We have dinner at two о'clock every dау. (When?) 5.Не will play volleyball with his friends. (With whom?) 6.I bought some cards in the shop. (What?) 7.Не has just read the роеm. (Has... or...?)

I We They You +have+ not + been won He She It +has+not+ forgotten sent + helping words Negative sentences

Exercise 4 Write negative sentences: 1.(it /not /rain /this week). 2.(I /not /read /a newspaper today). 3. (we /not /see /each other for a long time). 4. (my friend /never /be /to /China). 5. (Sam /not /study very hard /this term). 6.(I / not / buy some cards in the shop / today). 7.(hе /never /drive a car /before).

What have you just written? Where have they been? The cat has just drunk some milk, hasn`t it ? Have you done your homework yet ? Have the pupils sent a telegram or a letter today ? How long have you known Alice? How much of that book have you read ? Who has won a competition? We have. When did you go there? QUESTIONS

Exercise 5 1.Она только что вымыла посуду. 2.Я помог своей маме. Сейчас я могу идти гулять. 3.Мы никогда не были в Америке. 4.Ученики уже записали домашнее задание. 5.Ты когда-нибудь играл в теннис? 6.Мы уже прочитали все упражнения. 7. Вы сыграли в футбол со своими товарищами? 8. Он только что присоединился к нам. 9. Я никогда не был в Москве. 10. Нелли не сделала домашнюю работу. Она не сможет помочь тебе.

Exercise 6 Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets 1.(something you haven`t done today). 1.I haven`t eaten any vegetables today. 2.(something you haven`t done today). 3.(something you`ve done recently). 4.(something you haven`t done recently). 5.(something you did yesterday morning). 6.(something you didn`t do yesterday).

The Present Perfect is a present tense. It tells us about the situation now. The result is very important. We can use the Present Perfect to give new or recent information. Billy has forgotten his ticket. He can`t go to the theatre. The Past Simple tells us only about the past. If we continue to talk about new and recent information we normally use the Past Simple Tense. You can use the Past Simple tense for a finished time in the past with yesterday, last week, when I was a child, in 2009, five minutes ago. Billy forgot his ticket yesterday. He couldn`t go to the theatre.

When did you arrive ? What time did she finish her work ? Use lately and just only in the Present Perfect You can use the Past Simple with just now and recently = not long ago Remember

Exercise 7 Ореn the brackets: 1.Nick already (to bеcomе) а teacher. 2.When you (to see) Маrу? 3. Yesterday I (to wake up) at 7 o'clock. 4. I (to be) in Мoscow last month. 5. Тhеy (not to build) their country house yet. 6. You (to be ) to London this year?

Remember I shall go for a walk as soon as I have done my homework. Я пойду гулять, как только сделаю домашнюю работу. Use the Present Perfect instead of the Future Perfect with the conjunctions after, when, as soon as, until (till), if, before…

Some verbs (be, have, see, hear, know, like, love, want, understand, hate, remember, believe, own, possess…) + since or for are normally used in the Present Perfect tense How long have they known each other? Сколько лет они знают друг друга ? Remember