Г. Е. Шульман Физиолого-биохимические индикаторы состояния гидробионтов
Effect of infection by parasites (nematode larvae) on Black Sea anchovy (After Shulman and Shchepkina, 1983)
Relation between fat content in Azov Sea anchovy and temperature of its wintering migration
June 1991 Fat content (% WW) in sprat populations (Minyuk et al, 1997)
Г.Е.Шульман Многолетняя динамика жирности черноморского шпрота С о д е р ж а н и е ж и р а, %
Relation between sprat fatness and phytoplankton biomass in the NW part of the Black Sea (a), and phytoplankton biomass in the Black Sea in whole (b)
Deviations of annual surface water temperatures Deviations of annual surface water temperatures in the Black Sea off South Crimea from the long-term (1960–2005) mean (bars); solid line indicates the data smoothed with the 11-year filter Температура
Г.Е.Шульман Сопоставление жирности и запасов шпрота в разные годы наблюдений
M=11.54 SD=1.76 Long-term dynamics of sprat fat content from 1960 to 2005
Red muscles White muscles White muscles Lipid characteristics (triacylglycerols, mg g -1 ) in good and bad swimmers of horse-mackerel (Shulman et al., 1978)
Lipids as indicator of anchovy larvae food supply A) Poor nutritional condition B) Good nutritional condition (after Hakanson, 1984)
Relationship between fatness of Calanus and phytoplankton biomass on shallow stations (Yuneva et al., 2002) Phytoplankton biomass, mg/m 3 Total lipids, µg/ind females CV
Total lipids content in Calanus and glycogen content in Pleurobrachia in cyclonic (A) and anticyclonic (B) zones. (1-6 are station numbers) (Yuneva et al., 1999) AB Total lipids Glycogen Total lipids of C. euxinus, g ind -1 Glycoen of P. rhodopis, % PS
Glycogen in hepatopancreas (1) and gonads (2) of uninvased (black circles) and invased (white circles) Black Sea mussel
RNA/DNA in somatic (1) and gonad (2) tissues of mussels (July – August, 1988)