Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.


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Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
This project is funded by the European Union A project implemented by the ERM, DHV, RREC and Unicon Consortium Привлечение общественности и поддержка гражданского.
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Seite 1 1 This Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a EU MS Consortium ВНЕДРЕНИЕ ЦЕЛЕВОГО ПЛАНИРОВАНИЯ Януш Серославский,
Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium.
This project is funded by the European Union The project is implemented by Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation in consortium with RAPA and.
1С:Предприятие 8.0 Модуль «Технические резервы» для конфигурации «Управление страховой компанией»
МСФО – финансовые инструменты – признание обесценения Цель – увидеть будущее, предсказать убытки.
This project is funded by the European Union The project is implemented by Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation in consortium with RAPA and.
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Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 1 Современные стандарты бухгалтерского учета в страховании докладчик Гордон Доусли, группа проекта TACIS оклад 3 Доклад 3

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 2 Премии (Объем продаж)

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 3 Заработанная и незаработанная премия Распределение премий на соответствующий год Год 1Год 2Год 3 B C A D

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 4 Заработанная и незаработанная премия Распределение премий на соответствующий год Год 1Год 2Год B C A D

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 5

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 6 Проблемы, связанные с понятием незаработанной премии Брутто-премия была рассчитана правильно Рестроспективная оценка Расходы на привлечение новых страхователей Премия по перестрахованию была правильной

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 7 Международные стандарты финансовой отчетности (МСФО) Полностью изменяет структуру резерва незаработанных премий Бухучет с точки зрения справедливой стоимости проспективный Такой же как в страховании жизни

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 8 Убытки и резерв на покрытие убытков Незаработанные премии Резервы на покрытие убытков Будущие несчастные случаи Произошедшие несчастные случаи

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 9 Цикл работы с убытком Наступает страховой случай О страховом случае сообщают в страховую компанию Убыток выплачивается Убыток подтверждается Убыток прорабатывается

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 10 Резервы убытков на основании вышеуказанного цикла Понесенные, но не заявленные убытки Убытки на рассмотрении Подтвержденные, но не выплаченные убытки

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 11 Понесенные убытки Распределение убытков по годам, в которые они произошли Год 1Год 2Год 3 A C D B E

Development of the Insurance Sector, Russian Federation EuropeAid/124436/C/SER/Ru This project is funded by the European Union and implemented by a Consortium led by Hulla and Co, Human Dynamics K.G. 12 Развитие резервов убытков подготовлено по январь 2010