Еще возможности
VEX Requirements: Access to EDB back-up. VEX Steps: 1. Find backup storing EDB restore point and double click. 2. Browse or search for items. 3. Select Item(s), click Export. Traditional Requirements: Expensive Agents Staging Area for back-up extracts. Traditional Steps: 1.Find backup file storing EDB restore point. 2.Check for a drive with sufficient disk space for the restore. The available space must be at least the size of the Exchange IS. 3.On the target drive, create a folder called: Exchange Restore. 4.Open insert well-known competitor name here, and go to Devices. Right-click Backup-to-Disk Folders, and choose: New Backup-to-Disk Folder. Give it the name: Exchange Restore, and point it to the target drive and folder. Click OK. 5.Go to Job Setup, select the job that runs for the site, and under Backup Tasks, choose: New job to duplicate backup sets. Choose OK. 6.Browse the server concerned, and under Microsoft Information Store, choose the Information Store you want to stage to disk. You need to select the date/media. 7.Choose the new Backup-to-Disk folder created for this purpose, and click Run Now. Let the job complete. 8.Make a note of the name of the image created by this job (Devices --> Backup-to-Disk Folders --> Exchange Restore). 9.Click the Restore tab in GUI. When the Welcome to the Restore Wizard screen shows, deselect the tab to Always launch the Restore Wizard from the Restore Button, and click Next. 10.Under Selections, choose View by Media, and chose the image created in the duplication job. 11.Find the users mailbox that needs to be restored, open the mailbox, and click Top of Information Store. 12.From here, individual s, contacts and folders can be restored. 13.Select what needs to be restored. 14.Click Resource Credentials, and then Test All to make sure that the security credentials are correct, 15.Click Run Now. 16.Go to Job Monitor, and the job should run successfully.
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Для Veeam Backup Infrastructure assessment report pack Мониторинг производительности (CPU, Memory, Disk и Network) Отчеты по заданиям backup, replication, tape, backup copy Аудит-отчеты по действиям операторов Отчеты по стоимостям резервного копирования Для vCloud Director Мониторинг оповещений и производительности Отчеты по конфигурации и производительности