THE LION SLEEPS DO YOU KNOW THAT It is a wild/domestic animal; It is light/dark brown; It lives in Australia/Africa; It is very clever/funny; Its really.


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DO YOU KNOW THAT It is a wild/domestic animal; It is light/dark brown; It lives in Australia/Africa; It is very clever/funny; Its really kind/dangerous; Its big/small ; It hunts other animals/eats fruit and vegetables; It can run and jump/climb.

It is a wild animal; It is light brown; It lives in Africa; It is very clever; Its really dangerous; Its big; It hunts other animals; It can run and jump. REMEMBER ME! I AM 3d PERSON SINGULAR!

In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleeps tonight In the jungle, the quiet jungle The lion sleeps tonight Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleeps tonight Near the village, the quiet village The lion sleeps tonight Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleeps tonight

In the jungle, the mighty jungle The lion sleep tonight In the jungle, the quiet jungle The lion sleep tonight Near the village, the peaceful village The lion sleep tonight Near the village, the quiet village The lion sleep tonight Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleep tonight Hush my darling, don't fear my darling The lion sleep tonight REMEMBER ME? I AM 3d PERSON SINGULAR!

very much