Articles with geographical names Учитель английского языка МОШИ «Лицей-интернат» г.Балашов Саяпина Виктория Владимировна
We do not use articles with continents, e.g. Europe Europe Asia Asia North America North America South America South America Africa Africa Australia Australia
We do not usually use articles with geographical areas, e.g. Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Western Europe Western Europe Central America Central America Siberia Siberia
But the is used with: the Far East the Far East the Middle East the Middle East the North Pole the North Pole the South Pole the South Pole
We do not use articles with names of countries. But we use the with the names of countries if they include words such as: state state republic republic kingdom kingdom federation federation
Russia Russia
The Russian Federation The Russian Federation
Great Britain Great Britain
The United Kingdom The United Kingdom
Exceptions: The Netherlands The Netherlands The Ukraine The Ukraine The Sudan The Sudan The Vatican City The Vatican City
We do not use articles with the names of cities, towns, villages.
Moscow Moscow
Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg
Rome Rome
Exceptions: The Hague The Hague
The is also used with of-phrases, e.g.
The city of Moscow The city of Moscow
The city of Saint Petersburg The city of Saint Petersburg
We do not use articles with the names of streets streets avenues avenues highways highways squares squares
Sixth Avenue Sixth Avenue
Red Square Red Square
We do not usе the with the names of languages when they are not followed by the word language English English but but the English language the English language