Keep Fit! Научно-практическая конференция по защите проектов на тему Keep Fit среди учащихся 5а и 5б классов. Цели и задачи: -учиться выступать с докладом.


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Спорт и ЗОЖ What should people do to be healthy?.

March, 11 th Thursday. «An Apple a Day Keeps a Doctor Away»
Eat carrots, apples and cabbage. Have porridge, cheese and milk for breakfast. Drink juice every day(каждый день).
Health Healthy Pressure A medicine Pulse Blood A patient Temperature A diet To cough.
What do you think we are going to speak about?. HEALTHY WAY Of LIFE.
Phonetic practice HealthHealthyPressure A medicine PulseBlood A patient Temperature A diet To cough Pain To sneeze Throat To suffer To recover To examine.
[3:] Early to bed [3:] Early to rise Makes a man Healthy, wealthy and wise.
Our Healthy Life.. It is very important to be healthy and fit. I think I am a healthy kid, because I often play sports. But Im sure I should eat healthy.
GOOD AND BAD HEALTH HABITS. The first wealth is health. Good health is above wealth. A healthy mind in a healthy body. An apple a day keeps the doctor.
If you want to feel fit you'd better... (1). Everyone must do all he can to be... (2). Good health is better than the best... (3). All kinds of... (4)
,, The healthy way of life. Harmful habits. Many people in the world have bad habits.
Theme: Healthy Living Theme: Healthy Living Good health Good health is above is above wealth wealth.
Тема: Healthy Living Guide 9 класс Устюжанина Татьяна Васильевна, учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ 3 г.Мегион 2010 г.
Wash your face and hands with soap, Wash them every day! Keeping clean by using soap Will help keep germs away.
Lesson for the 7 th form: «Health is above wealth» Учитель английского языка МБОУ ООШ 21 г. Осинники Кемеровской обл. Шустова Ирина Валерьевна.
Our Health is Our Wealth. Healthy food Giving bad habits up Keeping Fit.
ILLNESSES AND THEIR TREATMENT An apple a day A healthy mind A good laugh is Health is better than wealth the best medicine in a healthy body keeps the.
Health is above wealth Учитель английского языка Будакова О.В.
Good Health is Above Wealth.. 2 [p] [k ] [d] [ei] An apple a day keeps a doctor away. [θ] [w] [e ] Good health is above wealth. [З:] [ r] [ h] [ θ] Early.
Match the beginnings of the proverbs with the endings 1) An apple a day … 1) An apple a day … 2) Good health is … 2) Good health is … 3) Early to bed.

Keep Fit!

Научно-практическая конференция по защите проектов на тему Keep Fit среди учащихся 5а и 5б классов. Цели и задачи: -учиться выступать с докладом на определенную тему; - расширять кругозор учащихся; - формировать представление о способах сохранения здоровья; - развивать интерес к традициям страны изучаемого языка; - воспитывать бережное отношение к собственному здоровью.

Volodkin Viktor Using the Timetable

Budz Mary What do We Eat?

Kovalevskaya Mary British Eating Traditions

Kovtunovich Denis Health Clubs

Vilgun Kate Calling The Doctor

Novikova Anastasiya Jokes help us enjoy life!

Good health is above wealth An apple a day keeps a doctor away Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise A sound mind in a sound body

Conclusion. What should you do to be healthy?

You … clean your teeth. You … drink much coffee. You … visit a doctor. You … eat a lot of sweets. You … eat tomatoes. You … drink juice. You … swim a lot. You … skip and jump. Should/ Shouldnt

Follow your timetable.

You must wash your face and hands.

You must clean(чистить) your teeth every day.

You must do morning exercises.

Walk and play with your friends!