Winter - Зима
begins начинается short короткий long длинный the weather погода often часто it snows идёт снег allвсё
is covered покрыто with snow снегом drifts сугробы deep глубокие rivers реки lakes озёра are coveredпокрыты
animals животные plants растения sleep спят a good time хорошее время for sports для спорта celebrate отмечать ChristmasРождество
It is winter.
Winter months are December, January and February.
Winter begins in December.
Days are short. Nights are long.
The weather is cold in winter.
It often snows in winter.
All is covered with snow.
Drifts are deep.
Rivers and lakes are covered with ice.
Animals and plants sleep.
Winter is a good time for sports.
We celebrate Christmas in winter.
Winter ends in March.