Vitamins for children: pros and cons Investigate supplementary and natural vitamins Present a number of examples of the personalized approach to the usage of vitamins in pediatrics Draw your attention to the balanced diet AIMS
Cross-sectional study of randomized population (>7000 children) Hypovitaminoses in children`s organisms (a Russian study)
Example: aim at folate RDA
Folic acid dihydrofolate tetrahydrofolate metilentetrahydrofolate methyltetrahydrofolate What is a vitamer? Folate vitamers
Products with the highest contents of the natural folates More than a half of the total folate content in the food is lost during thermal treatment during cooking. ProductFolates (μg/100g) Liver (raw)240 Parsley (fresh)110 Kidneys (raw)56 Lettuce (fresh)48 Bread from the coarse flour 25
Pros & Cons Vitamins are absolutely required by the fundamental cellular biochemistry The problem of particular pharmacological forms. Proven effectiveness for the prophylaxis of avitaminoses (beri-beri, rickets) Danger of hypervitaminoses. Inaccurate dosagevitamins can damage your health Restitution of RDA– best prophylaxis of common diseases
Vitamins !? Vitamins are not drugs Vitamins are essential only if the child has hypovitaminosis Vitamin deficiencies are prevalent in pediatric populations Vitamins are the part of our everyday life