ENGLISH Countable/uncountable nouns
COUNTABLE NOUNS Nouns which can be counted and have a singular and plural form We put a/an before countable nouns in the singular a + consonant sound an + vowel sound
COUNTABLE NOUNS a pear two pears
COUNTABLE NOUNS an apple many apples
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS nouns which cannot be counted and they usually have no plural food: cheese, butter, sugar, meat, jam etc. liquids: coffee, water, milk, tea, oil etc. materials: gold, iron, wood, paper etc. abstract nouns: beauty, love, sadness etc.
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Be careful! These nouns are usually uncountable: information, advice, weather, news, bread, hair, furniture, work
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS They are followed by a verb in the singular We do not use a/an or one but we can use some
UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS some meat some milk There is some meat on the table There is some milk in the glass