The USA Political System Автор: Катаева Валентина Валентиновна Учитель английского языка МАОУ лицей 35 г. Челябинска.


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The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative power is vested in the Congress. It consists of the two chambers- the Senate & the House of Representatives.
The United States is a constitution-based federal republic. Each state has its own state government and state law. This country is made up of 50 states.
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The USA Political System Автор: Катаева Валентина Валентиновна Учитель английского языка МАОУ лицей 35 г. Челябинска

The USA is a federal republic consisting of 50 states

Federal power located in Washington, D.C. Federal power is based on following branches of power: Legislative Executive Judicial

The legislative power is vested in Congress House of Representatives The Senate (435 members) (100 members)

Executive branch is headed by the President who is assisted by the Vice President President Vice President (enforces federal laws, (the chairman of the Senate) vetoes bills ) Joe Biden 44th President of The USA Barack Obama

The Cabinet is made up of Department Secretaries. The most important of them is the Secretary of the State, who deals with foreign affairs. 67 th Secretary Hillary Clinton 1 st Secretary of The USA Thomas Jefferson

Judicial branch is made up of: Federal District Courts 11 Federal Courts The supreme Court

Presidents of The USA

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