[p] – polite, impossible [r] - rude, brave [ ə ] – clever, never [f] – fine, famous [e] – friendly, pleasant [ ] – sociable, shy [n] – naughty, unhappy Read these words.
a lawyer [lo:j ə ]
a vet [vet]
a teacher [ti:t ə ]
a doctor [do:kt ə ]
a policeman [p əli:sm ə n]
a worker [wo:k ə ]
a librarian [laibre ə ri ə n]
a bodyguard [bodiga:d]
a salor [seil ə ]
a computer programmer [kompju:t ə progra:m ə ]
a pilot [pail ə t]
a teacher [ti:tə] a librarian [laibreəriən] a worker [wo:kə] a vet [vet] a computer programmer [kompju:tə progra:mə] a lawyer [lo:jə] a pilot [pailət] a salor [seilə] a bodyguard [bodiga:d] a policeman [polismən] a doctor [do:ktə] учитель библиотекарь рабочий ветеринар компьютерный программист юрист пилот моряк телохранитель милиционер доктор
My mother is a... My father is a... Example: My mother is a doctor. My father is a driver
1.A good teacher should be A real doctor should be... 3.A good librarian should be A bodyguard should be... sociable rude polite kind cruel intelligent responsible talkative clever funny cruel stupid Complete the sentences. Use the adjectives brave strong