Выполнила Альберти Мария Альберти Мария ученица 8 класса МОУ Чикманской СОШ.


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Выполнила Альберти Мария Альберти Мария ученица 8 класса МОУ Чикманской СОШ

Nightingale A small bird that can sing better than any other.It usually sings at night, but it can sing in daytime too.

Ostrich It is easy to teach these birds that live in South Africa, Australia and South America some words that people use.

Pigeon A bird lager than a sparrow but smaller than a crow.It is usually grey or dark-blue and grey, sometimes white or brown.often lives in cities.

Sea gull A large black and white bird that lives near the sea and has a loud voice.

Magpie A bird which is black-and-white and which often takes to its nest small bright things.

Sparrow A small brown singing bird that lives in the field, has its nest in the grass and usually sings early in the morning.

Woodpecker A bird with a long narrow beak which cfn make holes in trees.

Swan A large beautiful white or sometimes black bird bigger than a duck, with a long neck that lives on rivers and lakes.

Owl A night bird with large eyes that eats mice and other small animals.