Money - money can often spoil the man who earns it - money can help to get what a man wants - not everything can be bought - its good when a man rules.


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- money can often spoil the man who earns it - money can help to get what a man wants - not everything can be bought - its good when a man rules money, but not when money rules a man Money often unmakes the man who makes it Money makes the world go round Money cant buy love Money is a good servant, but a bad master

What do they have in common?

The History of Money

At first people …, which means they … Throughout their history people have used different things as money: … and … in …, … in …, … in …,… and … on the ….

The first government to make … that looked alike was probably the city of … in …. The … were made from a mixture of … and …, but were heavy and difficult to ….

In the early …, … government became the first to make … money - … or … as they say in the US.

But … money, as well as first …, was … in … in the ….

Now people carry … in their … instead of …, which is … and more …

Banknotes of different countries show queens or presidents or other famous people. But you also may find a … and … (India) or … and … (Nigeria).

Many countries in Europe now have the same … : all their coins and paper money are …. Great Britain, however, is still using ….

People travelling to other countries usually need to … their money into the … …. For that an … … is used.

1.Pound 2.Dollar 3.Lire 4.Rouble 5.Franc 6.Shekel 7.Zloty 8.Yuan 9.Yen a.Japan b.France c.Belarus d.Great Britain e.Poland f.The USA g.Israel h.China i.Italy Pound is used in Great Britain

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