INTRODUCTIONChapter I. Borrowed words and their properties Chapter II. The problem of assimilation of borrowed wordsConclusionBibliographyGlossary
The classification of borrowed words International words Origin of words in English
Ginsburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979 pp. 72– Buranov J., Muminov.O. Readings on Modern English Lexicology T. Oqituvchi. 1985, pp. 34– Arnold I.V. The English Word. M. High School, 1986, pp. 143– O. Jespersen. Linguistics. London, 1983, pp. 395– Jespersen, Otto. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1982, pp. 246– The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Oxford pp. 147, 167, V.D. Arakin English Russian Dictionary. M. Russky Yazyk, 1978 pp. 23–24, 117–119, 133– Abayev V.I. Homonyms T. Oqituvchi, 1981, pp. 4–5, 8, 26– Smirnitsky A.I. Homonyms in English M.,1977, pp.57–59, 89– Dubenets E.M. Modern English Lexicology (Course of Lectures) M., Moscow State Teacher Training University Publishers, 2004, pp. 17– Akhmanova O.S. Lexicology: Theory and Method. M. 1972, pp. 59– 66.
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