Literature What is it? October 27-th, 2010 Dr. Elena Shapa Associate Professor Free powerpoints at


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Literature What is it? October 27-th, 2010 Dr. Elena Shapa Associate Professor Free powerpoints at

ELEMENTS OF LITERATURE Written works having excellence in: Form Expression Ideas Widespread and Lasting Interest

The Major Genres

PROSE Prose is the ordinary form of written language. It imitates the spoken language.

Prose FICTION Short Stories Folk Tales Novels Essays NON-FICTION Personal Narrative Letters Memoirs Reports

Poetry Poetry is language written with rhythm, figurative language, imagery, sound devices and emotionally charged language. Major Types of Poetry Lyric Poetry Epic Poetry Narrative Poetry Concrete Poetry

Lyric Poem Lyric poem is a highly musical verse that expresses the observation and feelings of a single speaker.

Epic Poem An Epic poem is a long story told in verse which tells the great deeds of a hero.

Narrative Poem Narrative Poem is a story told in verse. Narrative poems often have all the elements of short stories, including characters, conflict, and plot.

Concrete Poem Concrete Poem is one with a shape that suggests its subject. The poet arranges the letters, punctuation, and lines to create an image or picture, on the page.

* Drama is a story written to be performed by actors. Although a drama is meant to be performed, one can also read the script, or written version, and imagine the action.

* Types of Drama: Comedy Tragedy Melodrama.

~*!*~Review~*!*~ 1.What is Literature? 2.What does genre mean? 3.What are the three main genres of literature? 4.Name three types of writing for each category.