International context for dairy sector development Международный контекст развития молочного сектора
Trade and Markets Division International markets for dairy still distorted but are reforming Международные молочные рынки все еще деформированы, но в процессе реформ
Trade and Markets Division Policy reforms have impacted EU market shares Реформа ЕС повлияла на его долю на рынке EU 15 EU 27
Trade and Markets Division International market prices are trending up, but markets are competitive Мировые молочные цены имеют тенденцию к росту, но рынки конкурентны Milk costs more than USD /litre are not competitive internationally? Себестоимсть молока более центов/л не конкуретноспособна на мировых рынках? Projected
Trade and Markets Division Economies of scale are driving structural change and development Экономия масштаба ведет к структурным изменениям и развитию Evidence (US) that costs may fall by 50% from 50 to 500 cows, and continue to decrease up to 3000 cows and beyond. Economies of scale will drive industry development toward large farms, driving out smaller farms. 5 Economies of scale are key to solving seasonality and conformity to milk standards. However, large farms may induce environmental considerations, and impact viability of smaller enterprises.
Trade and Markets Division Conformity to expected standards is critical to development Соответствие стандартам критически важно для развития Standards - ISO/IDF, and FAO through Codex. Key problem is economics of conforming with standards: component pricing and penalties are needed. Standards/testing are critical to milk pooling which affect producer market power, and costs. Processes are being standardized by technologies which are now global in scope. Стандарты - ISO/IDF и ФАО – через Сodex Ключевая проблема – экономика соответствия: нужны ценовое вознаграждение и штрафы Стандарты/тестирование важны для сбора молока, так как это влияет на рыночную силу и себестоимость Процессы были стардатизированы путем глобальных сегодня технологий 6