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ПЛАН ЛЕКЦИИ 1.Economic and Political Unification. Conditions for Linguistic Unity. 2.Progress of Culture. Introduction of Printing. 3.Flourishing of Literature in Early New English (Literary Renaissance). 4.Establishment of the Written Standard. 5.Normalizing Tendencies. 6.New English Vocabulary.

Economic and Political Unification. Conditions for Linguistic Unity The formation of the national literary English language covers the Early NE period ( ). There were at least two major external factors which favoured the rise of the national language: 1.the unification of the country; 2.the progress of culture.

Economic and social changes were accompanied by political unification. In the late 15th c. England became a centralized state.

Economic and political unification played a decisive role in the development of the English language. The rise of capitalism helped to knit together the people and to unify their language.

Progress of Culture. Introduction of Printing Of all the outstanding achievements of this great age, the invention of printing had the most immediate effect on the development of the language, especially its written form. Printing was invented in Germany in the mid- 15th c.; the first printer of English books was William Caxton. The first English book, printed in 1475, was Caxtons translation of the story of Troy.

Flourishing of Literature Of all the outstanding achievements of this great age, the invention of printing had the most immediate effect on the development of the language, especially its written form. Printing was invented in Germany in the mid- 15th c.; the first printer of English books was William Caxton. The first English book, printed in 1475, was Caxtons translation of the story of Troy.

This period is known as the age of Shakespeare or the English Literary Renaissance. The most notable forerunners of the literary Renaissance in the first half of the 16th c. were the great English humanist Thomas More ( ) and William Tyndale.

Establishment of the Written Standard Towards the end of Early NE, one of the forms of the national literary language – its Written Standard – had been established. Its growth and recognition as the correct or prestige form of the language of writing had been predetermined by the factors described above.

The Written Standard of the 17 th c. was far less stabilized and normalized. The writings of the Renaissance display a wide range of variability at all linguistic levels.

Normalizing Tendencies Correct usage and protection of the language from corruption and change became the subject of great concern and numerous discussions.

In 1664 the Royal Society appointed a special committee "for improving the English tongue". The fixed structures of dead languages – Greek and Latin – made the neo-classicists regard all linguistic change as corruption that ought to be checked.

Normalizing Tendencies The role of English grammars and dictionaries in the period of normalization was very significant. The greatest achievement of the 18 th c. English lexicography is certainly connected with the name of Dr. Samuel Johnson, who believed that the English language should be purified and corrected.

New English Vocabulary Borrowings from classical languages: In the 16th and 17th centuries Latin was the main language of philosophy and science; There were some borrowings from Greek: pertained to scientific terminology, theatre and literature.

New English Vocabulary Borrowings from contemparary languages: The influx of French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Russian words

Контрольные вопросы 1.How did the unification of the country and the progress of culture favor the rise of the national English language? 2.Speak on the introduction of printing. 3.Why was the period of the late 17th-18th c. called the age of normalization and correctness? 4.What sources was the New English vocabulary enriched from?

Литература: Основная учебная литература: 1.Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка: Учебник для вузов М.: Астрель, 2003 (чз-5, аб-15). 2.Иванова И., Чахоян Л., Беляева Т.История английского языка: Учебник. Хрестоматия. Словарь/ И.Иванова, Л.Чахоян,Т.Беляева СПб.: Лань, 2006 (чз-5, аб-17). Дополнительная учебная литература: 1.Ярцева В.Н.Языкознание: Большой энциклопедический словарь / Под ред. В.Н.ЯрцевойМ.: Большая Российская энциклопедия, 2000 (чз-3). 2.«Сrosscultural Aspects of The English Language History (Historical, social and cultural backgrounds of the English language history)»: учебное пособие по курсу истории английского языка/ Сост.: Р.Ж. Саурбаев, C.Г. Кулагина; Сургут. гос ун-т. – Сургут: Изд-во СурГУ, 2003 (медиатека ИнЕУ).