English Articles in Rhymes The Definite Article -the Работу выполнила Васильченко Тамара Николаевна, учитель английского языка МОУ-СОШ с.Приволжское.


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English Articles in Rhymes The Definite Article -the Работу выполнила Васильченко Тамара Николаевна, учитель английского языка МОУ-СОШ с.Приволжское

The Definite Article - the Определенный артикль the употребляется с любыми существительными (исчисляемыми, неисчисляемыми, в единственном и множественном числе). Он выделяет предмет или явление из разряда подобных, конкретизирует его. Определенный артикль употребляется:

Со знакомым предметом или лицом (существительное ранее упоминалось, мы говорим о нем не в первый раз. I know a doctor. – The doctor is nice. I know a teacher. – The teacher is wise. I know a girl. – The girl is pretty. I know a boy. – The boy is witty. I bought a carrot for my parrot, The parrot didnt like the carrot. I bought a pear for my hare, The hare didnt like the pear. I bought a house for my mouse, The mouse didnt like the house. I bought a mat for my cat, The cat didnt like the mat.

Если говорящему и слушающему понятно, о каком предмете идет речь The cat has slept in a hat, The parrot has eaten the carrot, The frog has found a log, The dog has brought a sock. The fire has been made, The table has been laid. The eggs have been beaten, The cream has been eaten.

С единственными в своем роде существительными The wind is strong, the sky is blue. The world is great and so are you. The sun is hot. The sky is blue. The moon is cold. And I see you. The sun is red, the sky is blue. The moon is yellow, and I miss you. The snow is falling, the North Wind is blowing, The ground is white all day and all night.

С названиями частей света The North or South, The East or West, To tell the truth I love you best! Go to the East or go to the West Your home is always the best! Make a feast and go to the East Eat your broth and go to the North. Have a rest and go to the West. Open your mouth and go to the South.

C названиями стран, в состав которых входят существительные: kingdom, states, republic, union, federation, emirates. My name is Richard Smithson, And Im from the UK! How are you, how are you And how are you today? My name is Buddy Smithson, Im from the USA! How are you, how are you? And how are you today?

Если перед существительным стоит прилагательное в превосходной степени This is the smallest cat. This is the funniest hat. This is the quickest dog. This is the smallest frog. Shes got the most reliable friend, Shes got the most playful cat. Shes got the most comfortable flat. Shes got the most beautiful hat.

Если существительное употребляется с порядковым числительным There are eight monkeys at the Zoo: The first monkey is kind, The second monkey is wild, The third monkey is small, The fourth monkey is tall, The fifth monkey is fat, The sixth monkey is sad, The seventh monkey is cold, The eighth monkey is old.

С субстантивированными прилагательными, которые обозначают категорию людей. You who are the oldest, You who are the tallest, Dont you think you ought to help The youngest and the smallest? You who are the strongest, You who are the quickest, Dont you think you ought to help The weakest and the sickest?