English Articles in Rhymes ( The Indefinite Article a/an) Работу выполнила Васильченко Тамара Николаевна, учитель английского языка МОУ-СОШ с.Приволжское
The Indefinite Article – a/an Неопределенный артикль a/an употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе:
Если предмет или лицо не знакомы и употребляются впервые A plane is faster than a train, A bike is slower than a train. A duck is bigger than a frog, A cat is weaker than a dog. I have a doll, you have a ball. He has a dog, she has a frog. It has a box, we have a fox. You have a hare, they have a bear.
Если существительному предшествует описательное определение This is my father – a busy man He is writing with a pen. This is my brother – a clever boy, He is playing with his toy. This is my sister – a pretty girl, She is dancing with her doll. This is my cat – a funny pet, It is looking for a rat.
С конструкцией «There is..» There is a rat under the hat, There is a hare in front of the chair, There is a doll near the ball, There is a fox behind the box. There is a hamster near the wall, There is a puppy in front of the ball, There is a mouse on the floor, There is a cat behind the door.
В восклицательных предложениях перед исчисляемым существительным в единственном числе, стоящим после «what» в значении «что за…» Its sunny today. What a lovely day! Its warm today. We can walk and play. Its frosty today. What a terrible day! Its windy today. We cant walk and play.
С названиями веществ в значении «одна порция» Delicious fish fingers, a burger with cheese, A jacket potato – please, have one of these! A milkshake, a cola, an ice – cream, a pie, An orrange ice lolly – come on, have a try!
В выражениях с глаголами «to have», «to take», «to give» Lets have a walk in the park, Lets have a drink in the bar, But you have a cold, Then stay at home, And lets have a talk on the phone. Have a cup of tea, have a piece of bread, Have a warm shower and go to bed. I can take a shower, You can take a flower, We can take a bus- It is waiting for us.
С существительными, обозначающими определенное количество или временной промежуток (в значении «один») The crocodile thinks his smile Is even wider than a mile. I spend a hundred on a hat And fifty on a bag. I paid a hundred for new boots And fifty for new shoes.