Мастер-класс по английскому языку во 2-х – 3-х классах в рамках технологии развития творческого мышления. Тема: обучение основам рифмования и стихосложения.
Our lesser brothers. Братья наши меньшие.
Подбери рифмующиеся слова: dog rat cat hare foxfrog bearox
Проверка: dogfrog catrat foxox bearhare
Закончи стишки: Doggy,doggy,come to me, Let us play under the ….
My dog Jack I have a little dog, His name is Jack. His head is white And his ears are ….
Давайте споём. What is this? Its a …. ( веаr,dog,cat,fox ) What is this? Its a …. ( hare,frog,rat,ox ) Hey,la! Din-dili-dong! Come to me, Sing a song!
Заполни пропуски в стишке подходящими в рифму словами: fox,mouse,bear,cat This is a ….It is on the mat. This is a ….It is in the box. This is a ….Its under the chair. This is a ….It is in the house.
Расставь правильно строчки в стихе. The cat sat on the mat Eve Merriam The cats I have seen Did you know a cat Dont sit and preen That sat on a mat?
Проверка: Did you know a cat That sat on a mat? The cats I have seen Dont sit and preen.
Bills dog Has no dog at all. But little Jack Bills dog is big, Toms dog is small,
Bills dog is big, Toms dog is small, But little Jack Has no dog at all.
Попробуй сам составить стих из слов: Grey,black,cat,cat,Anns, Janes,drink milk,and,they, every day,wash,is
А у тебя так получилось? Anns cat is black, Janes cat is grey, They drink milk And wash every day.
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