У РОК - СОРЕВНОВАНИЕ В 7 А КЛАССЕ ПО ТЕМЕ «С ОРЕВНОВАНИЕ ПОДРОСТКОВ МИРА » А ВТОР : Б ИБОЛЕТОВА М.З. Учитель: А.А.Сергин, Бейская общеобразовательная школа- интернат
Ц ЕЛИ : закрепление лексических навыков; совершенствование навыков устной речи, чтения и письма; обобщение материала с опорой на межпредметные связи
З АДАЧИ : развивать навыки чтения и письма; учить устной речи по теме с применением знаний из уроков географии; обобщить лексико- грамматический материал; воспитывать интерес к предмету
C APTAINS COMPETITION Imagine yourselves, you dont know each other. I offer you to introduce
G EOGRAPHICAL MAP Find and name English- speaking countries and their capitals.
H ISTORICAL FACT In 1887 a new language was invented by Dr Zamenhof. What was that language called?
ESPERANTO Lets sing a songSuno kaj hel (на языке Эсперанто)
Correct the mistake and guess what country it is The official language is English and Hindi. Winter is snowy there. People speak English and French. It is bordered on the USA.
Its CANADA The unnecessary information : The official language is English and Hindi.
WRITING Fill in your sacks with the words
T RANSPORT Its high time to think what forms of transport you need and why- (if you win).
READING (Students book – p.53, ex. 86) What are popular forms of transport in Great Britain? In Beya? - What are popular forms of transport in Russia? In Beya?
GRAMMAR Look and write what the Mother saw in the flat (use the Past Simple Passive). - lessons / to do; - flowers / to water; - dinner / to cook; - cat / to feed
Well done ! No wonder you are the winner!
RESULT What have you learnt from the 2 nd Unit?
We have learnt: to find English-speaking countries on the map; to introduce each other; to write, read and speak; to use grammar; the artificial language Esperanto
G OOD luck!