Sergey V. RYAZANTSEV Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Center of Social Demography and Economic Sociology of Institute of Socio-Political Researches of the Russian Academy of Sciences Demographic Development and Migration in the BRICS Countries in Context of Globalization
Share of the BRICS countries in the world's population 2007
Population on BRICS countries in 2007 and 2025 (forecast)
Fertility rite in the countries BRIC, children on 1 woman
For Russia has lost 8,18 million persons (population census of 2002 has statistically added 2 million persons)
Levels of emigration and immigration in the BRICS countries 2010
Females as percentage of immigrants in the BRICS countries 2010
Students from the BRICS countries getting education abroad 2004
Distribution of the foreign students study in Russia in 2008 on countries of origin, thousand persons
Workers-migrants from the countries of the Central Asia on an illegal labour market on the Yaroslavl highway in Moscow
Estimations of volume of Diasporas from the BRICS countries, million persons
Russian population in CIS and Baltic states and Estimated of Migratory Potential for Russia StateDate of population census Russian population, thousands people Russian population, % Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Georgia Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Moldova Tadjikistan Turkmenistan Uzbekistan (data Statistical department) Ukraine Lithuania Latvia Estonia Total
Geography of migratory streams in the BRICS countries in 2010 Top destination countriesTop source countries Brazil the United States, Japan, Spain, Paraguay, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Argentina, France Portugal, Japan, Italy, Spain, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Germany, Chile China Hong Kong, the United States, Japan, Canada, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, the Republic of Korea, Macao, Italy … India the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Nepal, the United Kingdom, Canada, Oman, Kuwait, Sri Lanka Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, China, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, Bhutan South Africa the United Kingdom, Mozambique, Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Portugal, the Netherlands Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Malawi, Australia, New Zealand
Number of foreign citizens working in territory of Russia in , thousand persons
Ten largest sending countries of workers-migrants into Russia in 2008, thousand persons
Distribution of foreign labour migrants on branches of economy of Russia, %
Причины выбора России как места работы китайскими мигрантами, % респондентов
Динамика численности этнических китайцев в СССР и России в гг. по данным переписи, человек
Регионы России с максимальной абсолютной численностью этнических китайцев по данным переписи 2002 г., человек
Регионы России с максимальным значением коэффициента концентрации этнических китайцев по данным переписи 2002 г., человек на 100 тыс. постоянного населения
Род деятельности китайских мигрантов в России, % респондентов
Отраслевая структура занятости китайских трудовых мигрантов в России в 2006 г. по данным ФМС, %
Отрасль деятельности фирм, в которых работают китайские мигранты в России, % респондентов
Среднемесячная заработная плата китайских мигрантов в России в долларах США, % респондентов
Миграционные установки китайских мигрантов в России, % респондентов
Workers Remittances into BRICS countries in , US dollars million
Workers Remittances from BRICS countries in , US dollars million