Мǎн кун – пасха йǎва – колобок калǎм – день перед Пасхой чиркÿ – церковь чуччу – качели кученеç - гостинец Христос Чĕрĕлнĕ – Христос Воскрес Чǎнахах та.


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Презентация для использования на уроках английского языка в 5 классе по УМК «Happy English.ru» Автор Пунанова Л.П.
MERRY CHRISTMAS.. Christmas is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. Every year in December we celebrate the Birthday.

Мǎн кун – пасха йǎва – колобок калǎм – день перед Пасхой чиркÿ – церковь чуччу – качели кученеç - гостинец Христос Чĕрĕлнĕ – Христос Воскрес Чǎнахах та Чĕрĕлнĕ – Воистину Воскрес

Listen and repeat Easter -пасха Palm Sunday –вербное воскресенье hot cross buns – горячие булочки с крестом religious symbols- религиозные символы rite – обряд Sign of affection –знак любви baked ham - свиной окорок basket - корзина Christian - христианский magical power – магическая сила lollipop - леденец jelly-beans-бобы в желе

Many families get together for a large meal. English people traditionally eat hot cross buns. People believe they have magical powers. For Easter dinners Englishmen eat baked ham or chicken with famous English apple-pie to follow.

Emblems of Easter in England: The most popular emblem of Easter is the Easter egg. A very well-known symbol of Easter is the Easter Bunny or Easter Rabbit. Other symbols are hens and chickens.

Easter rabbits Children in England believe the Easter hair brings the Easter eggs. On the morning of Easter Sunday children wake up and find that the Easter Bunny has left baskets of candies and hidden coloured and decorated eggs for them. The children hunt for the eggs, which have usually been hidden outside near their home.

Read the Poem Mrs. Hen Chook, chook, chook-chook- chook! Good morning, Mrs. Hen! How many chickens have you got? Madam, Ive got ten. Four of them are yellow, And four of them are brown, And two of them are speckled red, The nicest in the town!


… чĕкеçсем, … шăпчăксем Савǎнса юрлаç … ирхине … ачасен, … пикесен Мǎн кун хĕвелне кĕтсе илмелле. Хастар, çамрǎк, чĕвĕл, янкǎр, çепĕç. чĕвĕл çепĕç янкǎр Хастар çамрǎк

Write an Easter card

Саламлатǎп, сире, ячĕпе, эпĕ, Мǎн кун. Сунатǎп, телей, çирĕп, пурнǎçра, сывлǎх.

Match: 1. The greatest Christian festival is 2. The Sunday before Easter is 3. English people traditionally eat at Easter 4. The most popular emblem of Easter is The children hunt for the eggs a. the Easter egg. b. hot cross buns. с.which have usually been hidden outside near their home. c. called Palm Sunday. d. Easter.

хěвел eggs йǎва to co lour чиркÿ Easter пěçер sun саламла cross buns çуркунне spring Мǎнкун church cǎрла to congratulate çǎмарта to bake

Good luck and Happy Easter! Сывлǎхлǎ пулǎр!