Hello / Hi / Hey Good morning / afternoon / evening Nice to meet you Nice to see you Good to see you [ya] Long time no see! Its been a while! How are you? [how are ya] How are you doing? [How ya doin] How have you been? [How ya bin] How have you been doing? [how ya bin doin] How is it going? How are things? Hows life?
Everything okay? Everything all right? All good? You doing okay? You (doing) all right? Hows your day? Hows your day going? What (have) you been up to? Whats new? Whats up? Not much Same old
How are you? Fine, thank you. And you? Not bad. Same old, same old. Could be better. Cant complain. So-so. Im hanging in there Pretty bad. So far, so good.
Saying goodbye Bye (for) now It was good to see ya Catch you later Farewell See you later/soon Take care Keep/be in touch
-Long time no see! How have you been doing? -Yeah, Its been a while. Ive been busy with my new project. What about you? -Not much, same old. You know, regular stuff. Well … It was good to see you again. -You too. Catch you later. -Bye for now. See you soon.