T HE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN SYSTEM OF HUMAN RIGHTS. Human rights are the general legal guarantees protecting certain people and the whole groups of the population.


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Human rights are the general legal guarantees protecting certain people and the whole groups of the population from actions, contradicting fundamental freedoms and dignity of the person.

are guaranteed by the international standards can't be rejected or selected are interdependent and interconnected impose obligations on the states and statesmen The most important concerning human rights is that they are legally protected are focused on the dignity of the person and are general.

The term of the right of women belongs to freedoms and the rights of women and girls of all age. These rights can be or not to be institutionalized, to be ignored or suppressed with the law, local customs, and behavior in this or that society.

These freedoms are grouped and differ from broader concepts of human rights as they often differ from freedoms which have been initially intended for men and boys in this connection activists of this question make a complaint to historical and traditional prejudices concerning observance of the rights of women and girls.

Questions which are usually connected with ideas of the rights of women include, but aren't limited: right to security of person and autonomy; vote (electoral right); the right to hold the state positions; on work; for a fair salary and equal remuneration, the right to own property; on education, on service in armies or the right to be called; to sign contracts and to have the family, parental and religious rights

The rights of women in system of human rights (Human rights of women) belong to human rights of the third generation, to the so-called collective rights which include the right to the world, to national self-determination, to healthy environment, to freedom from discrimination on a sexual, age, national sign.

For allocation of the rights of women in special category of human rights there are strong reasons. Initially all legal standards and norms were formed, on the one hand, as universal, and with another - as selective, focused only on wealthy white men.

For finding of the status of full citizens women were required need nearly two eyelids against public prejudices and restrictions, using thus the most various ways and methods. Including - and methods of collective action within women's movement. For the first time the question of the rights of women as integral part of human rights was put in the Convention on elimination of all forms of discrimination concerning the women, the accepted UN in The international community began to be engaged in their legal support - far not worldwide ideas of gender equality are issued legislatively. It is clear that legal norms of the Islamic countries or norm of the African states can't but differ from the European norms and laws.

The new stage in the field of protection of the collective rights of women is connected with acceptance in 1967 of the UN of the Declaration on discrimination elimination concerning women. Later, in 1979, the called Declaration was processed in the Convention of the same name.

One of the most important provisions of the Convention of 1979 is a disclosure of the concept "discrimination concerning women". According to Art. 1 of the Convention it means "any distinction, an exception or restriction on the basis of a floor which is directed on easing or nullifies recognition, using or implementation by women, irrespective of their relationship status, on the basis of equality of men and women, human rights and fundamental freedoms in political, economic, social, cultural, civil and any other sphere".

The important universal international document is also, along with the Convention of "The declaration on violence eradication concerning women", adopted by General Assembly of the UN on December 20, 1993 in pursuance of decisions passing in the summer of the same year in Vienna the World conference on human rights.

In this Declaration the concept "violence concerning women" for the first time reveals. It is any act of violence made on the basis of a sexual sign which causes or can cause physical, sexual or psychological damage or sufferings to women, including threats of commission of such acts, coercions or any imprisonment, whether it be in public or in private life.

A RT. 2 OF THE D ECLARATION CONTAINS ALSO MORE DETAILED INTERPRETATION OF THE TERM " VIOLENCE CONCERNING WOMEN ". I T IS MEANT THAT IT COVERS THE FOLLOWING CASES, BUT ISN ' T LIMITED TO THEM : 1) physical, sexual and psychological abuse which takes place in a family, including drawing a beating, sexual coercion concerning girls in a family, the violence connected with a dowry, rape of the wife by the husband, injury of female genitals and other traditional types of practice causing damage to women, illegitimate violence and the violence connected with operation;

2) physical, sexual and psychological abuse which takes place in society as a whole, including rape, sexual coercion, sexual harassment and intimidation at work, in educational institutions and other places, trafficking in women and coercion to prostitution; 3) physical, sexual and psychological abuse from the party or with the connivance of the state where it occurred.

As it was already noted, Declarations represent only the declaration of intent. Therefore the female public around the world and in our country has to achieve development and acceptance on the basis of the Declaration on violence eradication concerning women of the universal Convention of the UN of the same name.