Note taking 3 куос кетма кет таржима. Taking notes is not the same as taking dictation; it's meant to jog the memory of the interpreter when he/she has.


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Note taking 3 куос кетма кет таржима

Taking notes is not the same as taking dictation; it's meant to jog the memory of the interpreter when he/she has to render the interpretation.... When the speaker finishes the speech, it is still fresh in the memory of the interpreter and the notes are there to jog his/her memory.

WHAT YOU SHOULD JOT DOWN Always take notes of: The main ideas: secondary ideas will be remembered during the mental interpreting process and rendition; Opinions and points of view: they are always perceptible and the interpret might not be able to transpose them to his/her interpretation during rendition; Numbers: they are very important for the speech, are the same in every language and are easy and quick to note down (as opposed to dates that are more difficult to understand); Proper names: because you dont have to translate them. For proper names difficult to understand, the interpreter should jot them down as they sound. Also take note of geographical names, names of companies and organisations, abbreviations and acronyms. What happened and when (verb tenses): because they situate the speech in time; The sentences said by the speaker that serve as introduction and conclusion, as they help to understand the speech; Keywords: they are important not for their linguistic meaning, rather for what they mean in the interpreters mind (the meaning they acquire for the speaker).

svo I read a book

Steno pad

Verticality and shifting I went to the store and bought oranges ( which were huge), apples, peas, and bananas. Then I went home and did the laundry, swept, mopped, and washed the dishes.

Method to study TO do the dictations: 1.Listen to the track and take notes. 2.Record your voice. 3.Listen your recording and compare. 4.Repeat.

Connectors \Links I love pizza, pasta and cheese. However, my doctor has told me to stay away from these fatty foods. Additionally, I have to eat mostly fruits and vegetables.

Recall line

Verb tenses I needed to see the bathrooms, the bedrooms, the kitchen (which is very impotent) and the living room, so I could get an idea of the market. I will bay a house by January of next year.

Negatives \Opposites I hate buying furniture. We saw sofas, tables, beds, and chairs. Ididnt think furniture was so expensive. I am never going to the mall again.

Emphasis I really hate watching TV.


Note taking symbols