Prepositions of place. table ['teɪbl] chair [ʧeə]


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Prepositions of place

table ['teɪbl]

chair [ʧeə]

box [bɔks]

bag [bæg]

in [ɪn]

on [ɔn]

under ['ʌndə]

near [nɪə]

Read and translate table chair box bag on in under near

Match the picture with the word box bag table chair

Match the picture with the word on under in near


Where is the…? Where are the … ?

giraffe [ʤɪ'rɑːf]

crocodile ['krɔkədaɪl]

tiger ['taɪgə]

Read and translate tiger giraffe crocodile

Match the picture with the word crocodile giraffe tiger


СловоТранскрипци я Перевод giraffe[ʤɪ'rɑːf]жираф crocodile['krɔkədaɪl]крокодил tiger['taɪgə]тигр fox [f ɔ ks] лиса hare [heə] заяц

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