Amir Temur great commander presentation. Amir Temur is a military leader and ruler who has played an important role in the history of Central, South and.


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Amir Temur great commander presentation

Amir Temur is a military leader and ruler who has played an important role in the history of Central, South and West Asia as well as the Caucasus, the Volga and Russia. The commander, the founder of the Timurid Empire (1370) with the capital Samarkand. Samarkand

Amir Temur was born on April 9, 1336 in the village of Khodja Ilgar (Yakkabag) near Kesh (Shakhrisabz). According to the legend he was born with a bloodstain in his hand and hair white like that of an old man, the same was said of Genghis Khan.

Temurs father, Emir Taragai, constantly attended the Kurultai of Chagatai Bekes, which was called by the Khan of the Ulus on the banks of River II. In 1355 he married the daughter of Emir Jaku Barlas Turmush- aga

The Supreme Emir Mawarounnahr Kasagan, who had assured himself of Amir Temurs merits, gave him his granddaughter Uljai Turkan-aga as his wife in the same year. Through this marriage, Amir Temurs alliance with Emir Husain, the grandson of Kasagan, became apparent.

The main task of Amir Temur was to overcome the fragmentation and unite individual possessions in one state. He chose Samarkand as the capital of this state, where he urgently started the construction of city walls, citadel and palace. He built a new Samarkand near the ruins of the old capital Sogdiana (modern Afrasiab).

And the marriage with the daughter of Genghisid Sarai Mulk Khanum allowed Amir Temur to add the honorary title Guragan to his name, i.e. son-in-law of the Khan.

The reign of Amir Temur lasted 35 years (1370 – 1405). He created a huge empire from Indus and Ganges to Syrdarya and Zarafshan, from Tien Shan to the Bosporus, and spent most of his life in campaigns.SyrdaryaZarafshan Tien ShanBosporus Amir Temur died in 1405 in Otrar during a campaign to China.

Timur's armies were inclusively multi-ethnic and were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe, sizable parts of which his campaigns laid waste.Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population at the time

During the years of his reign, he put an end to feudal fragmentation, established trade and diplomatic relations with the largest kingdoms in Europe – France, England, Castile. Unfortunately, after the death of Amir Temur, trade and diplomatic relations with Western Europe did not develop.

He is one of the most controversial figures in human history. Our knowledge about him, based on various sources, shows him as a ruler, conqueror, commander and warrior.