The Plan 1.State symbols of Uzbekistan 2.The state flag of the republic of Uzbekistan 3.History Of The Flag Of Uzbekistan 4.The state emblem 5.National.


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The Plan 1.State symbols of Uzbekistan 2.The state flag of the republic of Uzbekistan 3.History Of The Flag Of Uzbekistan 4.The state emblem 5.National anthem 6.Translation from English to uzbek 7. Vocabulary 8. Questions 9. Literature

State symbols of Uzbekistan The Republic of Uzbekistan has its own state symbols - the flag, the emblem, and the anthem sanctioned by law. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Article 5.

The state flag of the republic of uzbekistan The state flag of Uzbekistan was approved on November 18, 1991 and since then, it is an official national symbol of the republic. It represents a multicolored rectangular cloth with three horizontal stripes of blue, white and green. Everything on Uzbek flag is symbolic and reflects the perception of the world of the Uzbek people and has a connection with their historical and cultural past. The blue stripe on the flag is the symbol of the sky, water, and traditional symbol of peace, as well as the sign of historical continuity (the flag of Amir Temurs state was also blue in color). The white line on the cloth is the color of peace in perception of the Uzbek people, which is reflected even in the ordinary Uzbek expression "ok yul!", which means, "go in peace!". The green color on the banner is the color of nature, new life and abundance in countries where the majority of is population are Muslims. Red lines - symbolize the vital energy, New half moon - reflects both the national independence of the republic, and connection with the historical past of the people, its traditions. On the banner, 12 stars are also depicted, symbolizing twelve regions of the country as well as ancient solar calendar.

History Of The Flag Of Uzbekistan The design of the current flag has been inspired by the colonial flag that represented the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic in The colonial flag under Soviet rule had three colors: where red is the dominant color with two thick red bands sandwiching a thinner blue band with a white border. This flag also had a crossed hammer and sickle that was placed below a star in the canton. The red color, sickle, hammer, and star are all Soviet Unions symbols; while the blue color represented the sky; the white border color represented the cotton industry. After the fall of the Soviet Union and the independence of Uzbekistan, a national contest was held to chose the flag design. More than 200 entrants made their submissions which were evaluated by a special commission that was created for the purpose. An extraordinary seating of the Uzbek Supreme Soviet finally picked the winning design on November 18, 1991.

The State Emblem The law "About the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" is adopted on July 2, 1992 at the tenth session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the center of the coat of arms Humo's bird with the opened wings a symbol of happiness and love of freedom is represented. Our great ancestor Alisher Navoi characterized Humo's bird as the kindest of all living beings. In the top part of the coat of arms there is an octahedron symbolizing a sign of the statement of the republic, inside - a half moon with a star. The image of the sun a wish that the way of our state was lit up by bright light. At the same time it indicates unique climatic conditions of the republic. Ears a symbol of a daily bread, stalks with the revealing cotton boxes the main richness of our solar Earth which glorified it around the world. Ears and boxes of cotton intertwined with a tape of National flag mean consolidation of the people living in the republic.

STATE ANTHEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN The law "On national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted on the December 10, 1992 at the 11th session of the Supreme Council of Uzbekistan. Poem by A. Aripov Music by M. Burkhanov My country, sunny and free, salvation to your people, You are a warmhearted companion to the friends Flourish eternally with knowledge and invention, May your fame shine as long as the world exists! Refrain: These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan, Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you! When the great power of people became exuberant You are the country that amazes the world! Belief of generous Uzbek does not die out, Free, young children are a strong wing for you! The torch of independence, guardian of peace, Just motherland be eternally prosperous! Refrain: These golden valleys-dear Uzbekistan, Manly spirit of ancestors is companion to you! When the great power of people became exuberant You are the country that amazes the world! NATIONAL ANTHEM

O'zbekiston Davlat ramzlari O'zbekiston Respublikasi qonun bilan tasdiqlangan o'z davlat ramzlari - bayrog'i, gerbi va madhiyasiga ega. O'zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi. 5-modda.

Ozbekiston respublikasi davlat bayrogi O'zbekiston davlat bayrog'i 18 noyabr 1991 yilda tasdiqlangan va shundan buyon respublikaning rasmiy milliy ramzi hisoblanadi. Bu ko'k, oq va yashil uch gorizontal chiziqlar bilan rang-barang to'rtburchaklar mato ifodalaydi. O'zbek bayrog'idagi hamma narsa ramziy bo'lib, o'zbek xalqining dunyoni anglashini aks ettiradi va ularning tarixiy va madaniy o'tmishi bilan bog'liqdir.Bayroqdagi moviy chiziq osmon, suv ramzi va an'anaviy tinchlik ramzi, shuningdek, tarixiy davomiylik belgisi (Amir Temur davlatining bayrog'i ham ko'k rangda edi).Matodagi oq chiziq Uzbek halkini idrok etishdagi tinchlik rangi, hatto oddiy Uzbek tilida "ok yul!", demak, " tinchlik bilan boring!".Bannerdagi yashil rang- tabiatning rangi, aholining ko'pchiligi musulmonlar bo'lgan mamlakatlarda yangi hayot va mo'l-ko'lchilik.Qizil chiziqlar-hayotiy energiyani ifodalaydi, yangi yarim oy- respublikaning milliy mustaqilligini va xalqning tarixiy o'tmishi, uning an'analari bilan bog'liqligini aks ettiradi.Bannerda mamlakatning o'n ikki viloyati hamda qadimiy quyosh kalendari ramzi bo'lgan 12 ta yulduz ham tasvirlangan.

O'zbekiston Bayrog'i Tarixi Joriy bayroqning dizayni yilda o'zbek Sovet Sotsialistik Respublikasi vakili bo'lgan mustamlaka bayrog'idan ilhomlangan. Sovet hukmronligi ostida mustamlaka bayrog'i uch rang edi: qaerda qizil oq chegara bilan yupqaroq ko'k tasmasini xususda ikki qalin qizil chiziqlar bilan dominant rang hisoblanadi. Bu bayroqda kantonda yulduzning ostiga joylashtirilgan bolg'a va o'roq bor edi. Qizil rang, o'roq, bolg'a va yulduz Sovet Ittifoqining ramzlari; ko'k rang osmonni ifodalaydi; oq chegara rangi paxta sanoatini ifodalaydi. Sovet Ittifoqi qulashi va O'zbekiston mustaqillikka erishganidan keyin bayroq dizaynini tanlash uchun milliy tanlov o'tkazildi. 200 dan ortiq Abiturient o'z arizalarini maxsus komissiya tomonidan baholash uchun taqdimnoma kiritdi. O'zbekiston Oliy Soveti navbatdan tashqari qo'ltiq nihoyat noyabr kuni g'olib dizayn oldi 18, 1991.

Davlat gerbi "O'zbekiston Respublikasining Davlat gerbi to'g'risida" gi qonun yil 2 - iyulda O'zbekiston Respublikasi oliy Kengashining o'ninchi sessiyasida qabul qilingan.Gerbning markazida ochilgan qanotli Humo qushi-baxt va ozodlik muhabbati ramzi namoyon bo'ladi. Buyuk ajdodimiz Alisher Navoiy Humo qushini barcha tirik mavjudotlarning eng mehriboni deb ta'riflagan.Gerbning yuqori qismida respublika bayonotining belgisini ifodalovchi oktaedr bor, ichida- yulduz bilan yarim oy.Quyosh tasviri- davlatimiz yo'lini yorug ' nur bilan yoritgan tilak. Shu bilan birga, bu respublikaning noyob iqlim sharoitlarini ko'rsatadi.Bugdoy-bir kunlik non ramzi, aniqlash paxta qutilari somoni-butun dunyo bo'ylab uni ulug'ladi, bizning quyosh yerning asosiy boyligi. Davlat bayrog'i tasmasi bilan bir-biriga bog'langan bugdoy va paxta donalari respublikada yashayotgan odamlarni bir joyga jamlashni anglatadi.

Davlat madhiyasi O'ZBEKISTON RESPUBLIKASINING DAVLAT MADHIYASI"O'zbekiston Respublikasining davlat madhiyasi to'g'risida" gi qonun yil 10 -dekabr O'zbekiston Oliy Kengashining 11-sessiyasida qabul qilingan. A. Aripov she'ri M. Burxonov musiqasi

Serquyosh hur o'lkam, elga baxt, najot, Sen o'zing do'stlarga yo'ldosh, mehribon! Yashnagay to abad ilmu fan, ijod, Shuhrating porlasin toki bor jahon! Naqarot: Oltin bu vodiylar - jon O'zbekiston, Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor! Ulug' xalq qudrati jo'sh urgan zamon, Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor! Bag'ri keng o'zbekning o'chmas iymoni, Erkin, yosh avlodlar senga zo'r qanot! Istiqlol mash'ali tinchlik posboni, Xaqsevar, ona yurt, mangu bo'l obod! Naqarot: Oltin bu vodiylar - jon O'zbekiston, Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor! Ulug' xalq qudrati jo'sh urgan zamon, Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!

Vocabulary Thinner-Yupqa Emblem –gerb Flag –bayroq National –milliy Plan –reja Symbols – ramzlar Vocabulary – lugat Translation – tarjima Star –yulduz Moon- oy Country-mamlakat World-Dunyo Soil-Tuproq Literature –adabiyot Salvation-najot Fame-shuhrat Shine-Porlash Motherland-Vatan

Vocabulary Commercial-Tijorat Valley- vodiy Consist –iborat Government –hukumat Session- sessiya Poem –sher Author –muallif Sun –quyosh Life –hayot Power –kuch-qudrat Refrain –naqarot Great -buyuk

Questions 1.What does the blue color on the state flag mean? 2.Who is the performer of the state anthem of Uzbekistan? 3.Who is the author of the state anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan? 4.What article of the Constitution contains the state symbols of Uzbekistan ? 5.Does the Constitution enter the state symbols? 6.When the state anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted ? 7.What does the Half-Moon in the state emblem mean? 8.When was the state flag of Uzbekistan adopted ? 9.When the state emblem of Uzbekistan was approved ? 10.What does the green color on the state flag mean ?

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