Conversation club with Khalifah Bennet Five years from now on the Web for free youll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better.


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Conversation club with Khalifah Bennet Five years from now on the Web for free youll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university. Bill Gates.

The theme of the lesson: DISTANCE LEARNING in teaching process Plan Introduction :Biography of HALIFAH BENAT Distance Learning: Open Education 3min Origins and Evolution of Distance Learning 3min Advantages of Distance Learning 10 min debate Discussion 11 min Questions to the guest 10 Sing a song 3min

The anthem of Conversation club Gaudeāmus

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Conversation club Excite and inspire bright young scientists to apply their minds to multi- disciplinary research that addresses global challenges and mankind's future needs; Engage and connect young researchers to like-minded peers and eminent scientific leaders through close and personal interactive sessions; Enable participants to pursue their research passions.-

Conversation with Khalifah Bennet

Meeting with Khalifah Bennet

Sining Abay`s song with Khalifah Bennet

Khalifah with the students at the Conversation Club

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You can pursue a job along with studies: A major chunk of students who actually opt for distance education are those who don't want to give up their jobs but want a higher education, too. Distance education comes as a blessing for such students. You can study on the weekends, when you're back from work or even in the middle of the night. You get to learn while you earn!

But this is only the beginning. Education is a field that needs to incorporate technological advancements to fully engage modern students and help them reach their full potential. This video perfectly captures this need for change: The internet is full of resources to facilitate the transition to Education 2.0. Today, teachers and students have free resources such as forums to share questions, online study tools free software for videoconferencing and storing resources in the cloud, to name but a few.

Complicated technology

Lose out on networking

Online learning platforms, such as ExamTime, provide all the tools that a student would need to study at their own pace, organise their time and create dynamic educational resources that can be shared with others.

Questions to the guest

Since then the number of schools and educational institutions that offer distance learning via online courses has exploded. Typically in these cases it is a combination of classroom education and distance learning. However, universities and schools such as the Open University, have emerged which offer distance learning exclusively.

Sing a song of Abay Kunanbayev

Young Abay

Abay with his son Magayua

Abay at Semipalatisk`s library

Thank you for your attention