Japan cuisine


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Japan cuisine

Contains of presentation. 1 Introduction to Japanese Cuisine 2 Aesthetic of Japanese presentation 3 Basis of Japanese plate presentation 4 History and food 5 Sushi rolls 6 Onigiri 7 Bento

Introduction to Japanese Cuisine Japanese cooking, it is often said, is to be eaten with the eyes, Compelling are the food arrangements that the diner experiencing a traditional meal for the first time often finds that his or her impressions of the presentation often overshadow the taste of the food. No other cooking in the world places so much importance on the process of preparation and presentation as the Japanese. It is not the ingredients, seasonings or cooking techniques that make Japanese food so unique. It is the appearance and presentation of the food that sets it apart from other cuisines. Every dish is prepared to give as much pleasure to the eyes as the mouth. This is why so much importance is given to the bowls and plates the food is served on.

Chefs might "spend the day considering the aesthetics of arranging three sardines,". In order to understand about Japanese presentation and styling, it is very important to learn and know about the cultural techniques of Japanese cooking as well, since this is where the frame work for the canvas is laid down.

Aesthetics of Japanese Food Presentation The Japanese have many traditional aesthetic concerns with food that are uniquely Japanese. Food is served in small, individual portions in separate dishes. Pieces of meat are already cut small, and easy to handle with chopsticks. Presentation is best when the colours of the food items are opposite colours, such as the bright pink of tuna sashimi with the light green of wasabi. There are seven different types of food arrangement

Yamamori: is a mound-like arrangement of food. Sugimori: strips or slices of food placed either standing or slanting. Hiramori: pieces of food presented flat on a round or a triangle plate. Ayamori: woven style of presentation. Kasanemori: overlapping slices of food, mostly sushi platters are placed like these. Tawaramori: blocks or rounds placed horizontally in a pyramid. Yosemori: is gathered, mostly rice preparation.

Basis of Japanese Plate Presentation Uniformity Vs Contrast While in the west, food is presented on uniform round plates, Japanese food is served on a variety of dishes different shapes, colours, textures, sizes. How dishes are chosen is a topic for a whole thesis, but seasonality is important, and the overall feel of the dish itself contrasting colours (like red tuna on clear white porcelain) or textures (delicate sashimi on rustic pottery). And each course is served in a different dish the more variety the better. Asymmetry Uniformity often presupposes symmetry western dishes are served with symmetry in mind. But the Japanese prefer to arrange things slightly askew and using height and contrast which adds tension to the arrangement. An aerial view of a typical Japanese dish will show you a calculated asymmetry in the placement of the food framed in the backdrop of a beautiful dish, creating a peaceful yet striking balance and harmony, soothing in its quiet starkness but inviting with its lively colours and sharp angles.

Five Colours Red, White, Green, Black, Yellow is always present in each arrangement. Not only does this combination seem naturally pleasing to the eye, it is also a good way to ensure the overall healthiness of your dish--each colour represents vitamin and mineral content (Vitamin A for red and C for yellow for example).

Importance of Empty Space It's all right to pile up food high, but not flat to cover a dish or plate. A lot of negative space is considered to whet the appetite and in the summer, more empty space is better for a cool feeling, while in winter, you can be more generous with your arrangement

Seasonality Japan has four very clearly defined seasons and the cuisine reflects that not only in the ingredients used, but also in the tableware chosen to present the food. In the spring, sashimi is served on beautiful dishes formed into a miniature landscape. In the fall, a red and gold leaf may be used as a plate to give a seasonal touch. Vegetables are cut and coloured to form garnishes that give a dish an added seasonal touch.

The Final Touch Some form of garnish is almost always present in a Japanese dish helping to add contrast in the taste, texture and colour of the food. Grated daikon, thinly sliced ginger, or a sprinkling of sesame seeds are very common garnishes while vegetables fashioned into flowers and other shapes add a special touch.

History and food Japanese cuisine has been influenced by the food customs of other nations, but has adopted and refined them to create its own unique cooking style and eating habits. The first foreign influence on Japan was China around 300 B.C., when the Japanese learned to cultivate rice. The use of chopsticks and the consumption of soy sauce and soybean curd (tofu) also came from China.soybean curd In the A.D. 700s, the rise of Buddhism led to a ban on eating meat. The popular dish, sushi (raw fish with rice), onigiri came about as a result of this ban. In the 1800s, cooking styles became simpler. A wide variety of vegetarian (meatless) foods were served in small portions, using one of five standard cooking techniques. All foods were divided into five color groups (green, red, yellow, white, and black-purple) and six tastes (bitter, sour, sweet, hot, salty, and delicate). The Japanese continue to use this cooking system.Buddhism

The Japanese are known for using very fresh ingredients in their cooking. They prefer using fresh, seasonal foods for their meals, buying it the same day it will be cooked. The Japanese are also famous for their skill in arranging food so that it looks beautiful. The people of Japan live long lives and have a low rate of heart disease because of healthy eating habits.

Sushi Rolls They are presented in many ways depending on the style of the sushi, but the overriding rule of presentation is Simplicity. All of the ingredients used should be of good enough quality to speak for them. Dont over-garnish the sushi plate or pile too much sushi onto one plate

Sushi Ingredients Small bamboo mat (makisu) for preparing sushi Dry seaweed sheets (nori) Bowl of water to which 1 Tablespoon vinegar has been added Wasabi (dried horseradish powder)horseradish Strips of avocado, cucumber, carrot, or other vegetable Cooked shrimp or crab meat (or frozen imitation crabmeat, thawed) Procedure Place a sheet of nori (dry seaweed), shiny side down, on the makisu (bamboo mat). Wet your right hand (or left hand, if you are left-handed) in the bowl of vinegar water, and use it to scoop up a ball of rice. Spread the rice out in an even layer on one side of the nori. Sprinkle a line of wasabi (horseradish powder) down the center of the rice. Arrange the strips of vegetables and seafood over the line of wasabi. Using the mat to support the nori, lift one end of the mat to gently roll the nori over the rice and other ingredients. Use gentle pressure to compact the rice and other ingredients so that they hold together. Continue rolling until a long cylinder is formed, completely encased in nori. Carefully slice through the nori and other ingredients to make the bites of sushi. Serve immediately so the nori will still be crispy.

Onigiri (Rice Ball) Ingredients 2 cups cooked rice Salt Pickled plums, cut into small, bite-sized pieces Cooked salmon, cut into small, bite-sized pieces Dry seaweed sheets (nori), cut into strips Procedure Cook rice according to directions on package. Allow to cool slightly. Have a bowl of lukewarm water handy. Dip clean hands into water, and then sprinkle salt on wet hands. Place a small mound of rice (about 2 Tablespoons) in the palm of your hand. Press a piece of pickled plum or cooked salmon into the mound of rice. Toss the mound back and forth between wet, salted hands to form a triangular mound, with the filling item in the center. Wrap mound in a dry seaweed strip.

Bento: The Mystery Box Bento is a single-portion takeout meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish. Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquer ware.

Bento & Art A feature of bento that makes it so unique and special to Japanese cuisine is the ideal of aesthetics. Food presentation is considered extremely important as part of the meal. So, to ensure a good impression when the box is opened, the visuals of the food used are chosen carefully: using bright colours, and arranging them in an attractive manner. Bamboo leaves are used to separate different foods, so the tastes don't blend, and the box is packed as full as possible, so that the food doesn't get damaged in transit.