Good afternoon! You are welcomed by the guides of CREAZY TEAM. We are happy to offer you a virtual tour "Between peace and war", linked with the military.


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Good afternoon! You are welcomed by the guides of CREAZY TEAM. We are happy to offer you a virtual tour "Between peace and war", linked with the military pages of the past of our town dedicated to the 75 th Anniversary of the Victory.

1. Exhibition of equipment near the ACC Market The beginning of our tour is the Exhibition of military equipment near the ACC Market. You will be surprised but it is an open-air museum which houses equipment from the Second World War. There you can see several samples of machine guns of different calibers and the well known artillery howitzer Katyusha. (Shells for it were made in our town during the war).

2. Museum Of Nuclear Weapons The second point in our tour is the Museum of Nuclear Weapons. It was opened on November 13, You have a chance to get acquainted with one of the most interesting pages of Russian history. For many years, it was completely secret, but today you can see samples of the development of the countrys first nuclear centre and learn about the events took place here for more than half a century. Our Museum is the first in the country that tells about the main stages of creating of nuclear shield ensuring national security of Russia.

3. IS-2 If you are interested in military equipment this object will attract your attention –JS–2 (122). It is the Soviet heavy tank that took part in the battles of the Great Patriotic war. At that time it was the most powerful of the Soviet machine of the war period and one of the strongest tanks of the world. Tanks of this type played a major role in the battles of during the storming the cities.

4. Еternal flame Now we are next to the most solemn place in our town – the Eternal flame. It was installed in honor of the dead and missing residents of the working settlement of Sarov during the Great Patriotic war of It was opened on November 5, 1967 in the square at the crossing of Lenin Avenue and Alexandrovich Street. The author of the Monument is the chief architect of the town N.V.Kuznetsov. In 1990 the square was reconstructed and six memorial steles with twelve granite slabs were installed. You can see the names of local residents who died or went missing during the Great Patriotic war and those soldiers who performed the tasks in the conditions of local armed conflicts. There are 538 names in whole.

5. Мonument to internationalist soldiers Walking along the alley from the Eternal flame you will certainly get another solemn place - the Monument to the soldiers- internationalists. In 2009 this monument was erected in the alley on the donation of citizens of the town. The author of the monument is a sculptor from Arzamas, Mikhail Limonov. You see fresh flowers at the foot of these monuments as a tribute to the memory of fallen soldiers. "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" is written on the monument.

6. Stela 40 years of victory The Victory Park with the stele for 40 th anniversary of the Victory is the last point in our tour. In 1975, on the site of the modern monument a memorial stone was established with the plague that reads – A monument will be erected here in honor of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic war. Ten years later, on May 9, 1985, the monument was inaugurated. In the 90s, students were accepted as pioneers here.

This concludes the virtual tour. Thank you all for your attention. Our city is small, and its historical path is not so great. But we are confident that our proposed tour will be able to enter the treasury of tours of the "Silver rings" of Russia.