Sulfur Sulfur. Physical - chemical properties Chemical symbol S, (Sulphur) Chemical symbol S, (Sulphur) Atomic number : 16 Atomic number : 16 A r : 32,065.


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Sulfur Sulfur

Physical - chemical properties Chemical symbol S, (Sulphur) Chemical symbol S, (Sulphur) Atomic number : 16 Atomic number : 16 A r : 32,065 A r : 32,065 Density 1,960 g/cm 3 Density 1,960 g/cm 3 Melting point: 115, °C - 388,4 K Melting point: 115, °C - 388,4 K Boiling point: 444,67 °C - 717,87 K Boiling point: 444,67 °C - 717,87 K


History Sulfur was known in ancient times, and is referred to in the Bible. Sulfur was known in ancient times, and is referred to in the Bible. Early alchemists gave sulfur its own alchemical symbol which was a triangle at the top of a cross. Early alchemists gave sulfur its own alchemical symbol which was a triangle at the top of a cross. In 1867 sulfur was discovered in underground deposits in Louisiana and Texas. In 1867 sulfur was discovered in underground deposits in Louisiana and Texas.

Biological role enzymes enzymes cells cells DNA DNA bacteria bacteria Sulfur is found in: Sulfur is found in: amino acids -cysteine amino acids -cysteine methionine methionine polypeptides polypeptides proteins proteins

Applications Sulfur is used in: batteries batteries detergents detergents vulcanization of rubber vulcanization of rubber fungicides fungicides manufacture of phosphate fertilizers manufacture of phosphate fertilizers bleaching paper bleaching paper preservative in wine and dried fruit preservative in wine and dried fruit gunpowder gunpowder fireworks fireworks photographic fixing agents photographic fixing agents laxative laxative exfoliant exfoliant

Environmental Impact Industry Sulfur dioxide SO 2 Acid rain Damage to the natural environment and chemical weathering

Occurrence Occurrence in (0,03 - 0,09 %) in earths crust (0,03 - 0,09 %) in and (c sulfur = 900 mg/l) in oceans and seas (c sulfur = 900 mg/l) in the (1 atom of sulfur come to atoms of hydrogen) in the universe (1 atom of sulfur come to atoms of hydrogen) in and in volcanic regions and hot springs In ores: (iron sulfide), (mercury sulfide), (lead sulfide), (zinc sulfide) and (antimony sulfide), (calcium sulfate), (barium sulfate) In ores: pyrite (iron sulfide), cinnabar (mercury sulfide), galena (lead sulfide), sphalerite (zinc sulfide) and stibnite (antimony sulfide), gypsum (calcium sulfate), barite (barium sulfate) spring – pramen, vřídlo

Sulfur in other languages english: sulfur english: sulfur latin: sulphur latin: sulphur czech: síra czech: síra croatian: sumpor croatian: sumpor french: soufre french: soufre german: dchwefel german: dchwefel italian: solfo italian: solfo norwegian: svovel norwegian: svovel portuguese: enxôfre portuguese: enxôfre spanish: azufre spanish: azufre swedish: svavel swedish: svavel

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