Family in modern society.. Family is the basis society unit which place in important role in the process of a persons socialization, ap-ubrining character.


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Family in modern society.

Family is the basis society unit which place in important role in the process of a persons socialization, ap-ubrining character formation. Anyway the nature of the family keeps changing: there are a number of types of family that exist in modern society. There used to be mainly two types: extended and nuclear family.

An extended family structure consists of two or more adults who are related each other, either by blood or marriage and living in the same home. Usually, that means that grandparents live with their children and grandchildren. One of the advantages of this type is that grandparents can look after children, enabling parents to make a career. Also if you have a big family you are more accepting of people and their different natures. One of the disadvantages is that you havent got privacy and you may feel tired. But the biggest inconvenience is that you may be disagreements about how to bring up a child.

A nuclear family is a traditional type of family structure. This type composes two parents and children who are sharing one house or flat. There are a number of advantages for having a nuclear family. Firstly children have more close relations with their parents than in the extended family. Secondly small families have less quarrels and disagreements because there are no interferences from other relatives. One cant deny that family members, particularly mothers, may have tendency to burn out from attempting to meet every persons need alone. Often a nuclear family becomes a multi-children family. In families having many children, kids share our parental attention. Its a disadvantage. Also there is a problem of being the eldest child in the family is that you should take care of the younger ones. But you never fell lonely having siblings (brothers or sisters).

At the modern time the number of divorces is growing. One reason is that couples either cant or one of the pair doesnt choose to have kids. Divorce gives rise to single-parent families? Blended families, where one of the parents helps children from previous relationships, and families whom live in civil marriage.

Family where single parent bring up a child merits particular attention. This family type is generally close. Family members find ways to work together to solve problems, such us diving up household chores. If you are single parent then your children will be super responsible. But sometimes they may feel a lack of one parent.

I have an extended family. There are 5 of us: my parents, my older sisters and myself. The older sister is married and has a daughter. I always have much love and support and I always able to find a person to discuss frankly and to get helpful advice. We enjoy doing many things together, for example we come together at the dinner table every day and discuss about our problems. I cant imagine my life without my family.