Alzheimer's disease Подготовила Асеева Надежда ученица 11»Г» класса лицея 12
Слова: Aging-старение Recall-отзыв Incurable –неизлечимый Deterioration-ухудшение Neurofibrillary tangles - нейрофибриллярные клубки Severe –тяжелый Ventricles -желудочки
What is Normal Aging? Although we do experience minor changes in our memory and thinking as we age, these changes do not affect daily functioning or the ability to live independently. Memory changes are a normal part of the aging processits common to have less recall of recent memories and to be slower remembering names and details. Alzheimers disease is not a normal part of aging or just what happens when we get old. If Alzheimers was part of the natural aging process, then every person over 65 years of age would have Alzheimers disease.
What is Alzheimers disease? Alzheimers is a progressive, degenerative and incurable neurological brain disease that causes deterioration of brain nerve cells and ultimately death. The deterioration is caused by: a build up of abnormal substances called amyloid plaques (an insoluble protein deposit); And neurofibrillary tangles.
In the Alzheimer brain: The cortex shrivels up, damaging areas involved in thinking, planning and remembering. Shrinkage is especially severe in the hippocampus, an area of the cortex that plays a key role in formation of new memories. Ventricles (cerebrospinal fluid-filled spaces within the brain) grow large
Risk Factors Age – Biggest risk factor - After age 85, the risk reaches nearly 50 percent. Family History Research has shown that those who have a parent, brother or sister with Alzheimers are more likely to develop Alzheimers. The risk increases if more than one family member has the illness.