This amazing taste of coffee...
Coffee has long been part of our lives, whether it's a morning, business meeting or a chat. But how much do we know about this drink? ? Many people drink strong coffee in the morning.
Even outstanding people were not strangers to simple human joys: a slice of cake, delicious cigars, coffee, invigorating... while many of them were quite strange habit of drinking liquids. It became extremely popular in Europe after another war with the Turks. And from the 17th century spread OPINION that coffee helps to improve, and perhaps the advent of mental abilities.
Beethoven, coffee lover, was so meticulous that always enumerating 60 coffee beans in each cup WHEN prepared beverage. ? But is this important today? After all, he gave the world ONE of the finest works that contained in itself the strength, fire and sweetness of real coffee - "Moonlight Sonata."
In the old days Constantinople first coffeehouse called 'QAHVEH KHANEH' (wisdom schools). They gathered artists and writers.
In December 2001, Brazil has issued a postage stamp with the smell of Brazilian coffee - the smell had to keep from 3 to 5 years.
Here is another stunning art - drawing on a chocolate foam. There are two main traditions of coffee painting. Italian painting - drawing milk. Australian Painting - figure chocolate cream
Have you tried to learn painting coffee ?? You coffee with sugar, with brandy or... From landscapes? Just coffee - is boring. Much more interesting to drink castle or flower !
It all started with three basic shapes - apple, hearts and leaves...? And here we go...
Fragrant cup of cappuccino will seem even tastier if its surface do a little drawing. Especially because this is not difficult. IS made possible by stencils for coffee. Imagine how surprised your friends IF you ask them a coffee pattern THIS ?!
Thank you for attention