Pathophysiology Prof. Iriskulov Bakhtiyor Uktamovich
A subject to explore the rule of origin and evolution of disease processes and the fundamental mechanisms What is pathophysiology?
Difference from Pathology Pathology emphasizes the structural changes Pathophysiology focuses on the functional and metabolic alterations and the mechanisms
Why is Pathophysiology Important? As a bridge not between the basic science and diseases but various basic sciences. Enabling the students, clinicians and other practitioners to understand why and how diseases develop and various clinical manifestations appear, and what are the fundamental mechanisms.
How to Learn Pathophysiology? The etiology and pathogenesis - The principles for the prevention and therapies Use dialectical thinking and methods Selectively review related knowledge learned previously Pay attention to experimental courses Pay attention to clinical practices
The Methodologies Used in Pathophysiology 1. Experiments on animals 2. Clinical research methods 3. Mathematical modeling of pathologies 4. Comprehensive analysis and creation of new concepts
Nosology Nosos (νόσος – from Ancient Greek) – disease logia (λογία) – study of
The general nosology includes such notions: health disease pathological process pathological state pathological reactions
Concept of Disease Disease is referred as aberrant manifestation of deregulated homeostasis caused by harmful agents. The development of a disease is definitely a pathologic process with a characteristic set of signs and symptoms involved in the whole body or any of its parts.
Concept of Health Health is the state of the organism when it functions optimally without evidence of disease. The definition of health from WHO: Health indicates not only without any evidence of disease, but also a state of complete well-being physically, psychologically and socially.