Global environmental problems and solutions.


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Global environmental problems and solutions

Problems The destruction of a large number of species of plants and animals Deforestation The rapid decline in mineral reserves The depletion of the oceans as a result of the destruction of living organisms Pollution of the atmosphere, violation of the ozone layer Pollution of the Earth's surface and disfigurement of natural landscapes The rapid development of industrial enterprises Global warming Rapid population growth

The destruction of a large number of species of plants and animals Many species of plants and animals disappear through the fault of people. In recent years, 10 to 130 different species disappear on Earth daily. This is more than new. Animals whose number of species dramatically reduced by the fault of man.

Deforestation The disappearance of forests is a global environmental problem. Deforestation of the planet leads to sharp temperature changes, changes in the amount of precipitation and wind speed.

Mineral Cuts The amount of mineral reserves is rapidly decreasing. According to various sources, coal reserves will last for another years, oil for 45 years, gas for 75 years, and iron ore for 65 years.

The depletion of the world's oceans The ocean is depleted as a result of the destruction of living organisms, ceases to be a regulator of natural processes. The depletion of the world's oceans will lead to the depletion of other parts of nature.

Air pollution affects: Atmospheric pollution is one of the main reasons for the increase in the number of respiratory diseases, both acute and chronic. Forests, many agricultural plants when they pollute the air, they either die or grow much slower; Aggressive substances increase the corrosion of metal structures, acid rains appear, and ozone holes appear.

Ozone depletion The ozone layer absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which is detrimental to terrestrial organisms. The consequence of the destruction of the ozone layer - most of the land animals and many land plants will die.

Pollution of the Earth's surface and disfigurement of natural landscapes On Earth, it is impossible to detect a single square meter of surface, where artificial elements created by man would not be found. The disfigurement of natural landscapes and pollution of the Earths surface leads to disturbances in the primary structure of the planet, which in turn can lead to various natural disasters.

The rapid development of enterprises The industry does not stand still, it is rapidly developing, and with it the number of industrial enterprises that pollute the atmosphere through the release of wastewater, toxic gases into the atmosphere, etc., increases.

Global warming Global warming is a slow and gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet, which is just being observed now. Its impact on our planet can lead to the extinction of many species of animals and birds, to the appearance of the greenhouse effect, and quite possibly to the death of mankind.

Rapid population growth The number of inhabitants of the Earth is rapidly increasing every year, but at the same time the amount of clean drinking water, minerals, etc. is sharply reduced. It can be concluded that humanity can disappear from the lack of vital resources.

Ways to solve environmental problems The widespread use of clean energy throughout the world Exemption from oil addiction Input effective power consumption Developing a population growth management policy Compliance with the Kyoto agreement to reduce the greenhouse effect Reducing the formation of carbon dioxide in power plants