PBVF The coldest time of the year is Winter. At the same time, winter for most is a favorite season of the year.
РПГНП The most fabulous moment in the new year is the new year.
HHTR I love winter because it was winter and I was born.
TRTTRRH Any child is waiting for the new year because there are a lot of gifts in it.
HJH Еach person dresses up his Christmas tree creating New Year's comfort
ЕПЕ Every year we celebrate a holiday with family and friends. And the most important thing for me is my birthday
ЕА Winter itself is a beautiful, frosty, snowy season. When winter comes, everything becomes enchanted. The forests are covered with silver. Fields and houses dressed white fur coats, which shimmer in the sun so that blind eyes
ПКК Winter is still good because you can do your favorite skating like skiing, sledding and skating
КЕК In winter, many animals hibernate, but the huntings still continue their hunt for them.
ПРАП Welcome to our long-awaited This year, let us expect only success and a happy life.