How can we save the rainforest ?
Avoid palm oil. Palm oil, found in half of all processed foods in the United States and many other household products, is a key factor in deforestation in tropical forests! Read your food and food labels carefully and refuse to buy products with palm oil or insist on sustainable alternatives.
CHOOSE ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE PRODUCTS! Better to buy less. But when you buy, choose companies that make donations for ecology.
Do not buy furniture made from tropical trees. Avoid guitars, furniture and other products made from endangered tropical forests such as mahogany, rosewood and ebony are a great start, but avoiding all tropical hardwood is even better!
SUPPORT THE COMMUNITIES OF THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE! Buying ethically crafted local handicrafts, fair trade or responsible community visits is both a fun and effective way to help the rainforest. They give you the opportunity to learn about new cultures, provide much-needed income and help the world learn about indigenous communities in the rainforest.
CONTACT GOVERNMENTS AND INSTALL ON CHANGE! In Peru, only 50 indigenous communities received land rights since 2007, and at the same time 35,658 mining concessions were approved. This is because it is much easier to obtain a permit for the extraction, extraction or exploration of oil than for indigenous communities to assign rights to their lands; The community must go through 27 burdensome steps to get the title, often faced with the inaction of the government, while permission to register requires only 3 steps! Send an to the President of Peru and insist that the government simplify the process of assigning rights to indigenous lands. Presentation performed:Elena Ivantsova, 10 b class