TRANSLATION APPROACHES. OVERVIEW transformational approach; denotative approach; communicational approach;


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OVERVIEW transformational approach; denotative approach; communicational approach;

THE DEFINITION OF TRANSLATION Catford (1965: 20) supports, Translation is the replacement of the textual material in one language (the source language/ SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (the target language/ TL). Peter Newmark (1982:7) defines, Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.

TRANSFORMATION THEORY translation = transformation SL TL objects objects structures structures Transformation Equivalence (Syntactic level) (Lexical level)

TRANSLATION THEORIES CLASSIFICATION Transformational Denotative Communicational

TRANSFORMATION THEORY SUBSTITUTION: morphological equivalencies lexical equivalences syntactic equivalencies and/or transformations

TRANSFORMATIONAL THEORY 1) Advantages Clearance (translation – a set of multi-level replacements) Analytical and synthetic languages 2) Disadvantage Insufficiency (when the source text corresponds to one indivisible concept)

DENOTATIVE THEORY Base – an idea of denotatum (actual object referred to by language sign) Mental operations: translator reads (hears) a message in the source language; translator finds a denotatum and concept that correspond to this message; translator formulates a message in the target language relevant to the above denotatum and concept. Relationship between the source and target word forms is occasional rather than regular.

EXAMPLE Bulk-density method is the measurement of product volume (V) and density (ρ) Объемно - массовый метод сводится к измерению объема (V) и плотности (ρ) продукта. Staff only Служебное помещение. Формула изобретения ?

COMMUNICATION THEORY (OTTO. KADE) - is based on communication and the notion of thesaurus (a system of interrelated data) Process of Communication includes Language Thesaurus Subject Thesaurus (system of knowledge about language) about the content)

EXAMPLE Several new schools appeared in the area В районе появились новые школы В районе появились новые косяки рыбы Thus, translation is a message sent by a translator to a particular user and the adequacy of translation depends on similarity of their background information rather than only on linguistic correctness.

THE PROCESS OF TRANSLATION Nababan (1999: 25-28) describes the process of translation. The process is as follows : Source Language Text Analysis Transfer Meaning Restructuring

THE TYPES OF WRITTEN TRANSLATION Roman Jakobson in Hatim and Munday makes a very important distinction between three types of written translation. They are : Intralingual translation Interlingual translation Intersemiotic translatio

KINDS OF TRANSLATION Word by Word Translation Free Translation Literal Translation Dynamic translation Esthetic-Poetic Translation Ethnographic Translation Linguistic Translation Communicative Translation Semantic translation

TEXT FUNCTIONS THE EXPRESSIVE FUNCTION Serious imaginative literature Authoritative statements Autobiography THE INFORMATIVE FUNCTION THE VOCATIVE FUNCTION OTHER FUNCTIONS The Aesthetic Function The Phatic Function The Metalingual Function

VARIETIES OF GENERAL MEANING Linguistic Meaning Referential Intention Performative Inferential Cultural Connotative Subjective Semiotic

TRANSLATION EQUIVALENCE There are types of equivalence defined by Nida, which are also called two basic orientations of translation. They are : Formal correspondence Dynamic equivalence Grammatical equivalence Textual equivalence Pragmatic equivalence

SEMANTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION SEMANTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION Semantic Translation - "Semantic translation is closer, more literal; it gives highest priority to the meaning and form of the original, and is appropriate to translations of source texts that have high status, such as religious texts, legal texts, literature, perhaps ministerial speeches. SEMANTIC AND COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION Communicative Translation - "Communicative translation is freer, and gives priority to the effectiveness of the message to be communicated. It focuses on factors such as readability and naturalness, and is appropriate to translations of ?pragmatic? texts where the actual form of the original is not closely bound to its intended meaning. These are texts like advertisements, tourist brochures, product descriptions and instructions, manuals."

THE TRANSLATION OF METAPHOR The following terminology for discussing metaphors: Image Object Sense Metaphor Symbol

REFERENCES Nida,Eugene A and Taber. The Theory and Practice of translation.Leiden:E.J.Brill.1969