Eight of the best museum shops in the world Forget the novelty pencils, these museums are stepping up the gift shop experience with exclusive ranges and.


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Eight of the best museum shops in the world Forget the novelty pencils, these museums are stepping up the gift shop experience with exclusive ranges and the best in local design Southern Federal University Taganrog 2017 Furtuna Olga Computer Engineering 2-5

Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney

Design Museum, London

Craft & Folk Art Museum, Los Angeles

The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago

Librairie boutique du Musee national Picasso, Paris

Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen

Guggenheim Museum, New York

Vocabulary vibrant – яркий, оживлённый contemporary – современный stand-alone retail space – отдельная торговая точка homeware – товары для дома up-and-coming names – многообещающие бренды established brands – признанные торговые марки aesthetic range of jewellery – эстетическое разнообразие ювелирных изделий creative kits – творческие наборы embroidery – вышивка bookbinding – переплетное дело stampmaking – изготовление марок quirky decorations – причудливые декорации to create in collaboration with – создавать в сотрудничестве с floor-to-ceiling glass-fronted gift shop – магазин подарков с застекленным фасадом от пола до потолка

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