Patient simulators p.262
Definition A mannequin equipped with technologies that make it resemble and respond like a living person, used in health care education for role playing, skill building, and hands-on, active education.
Using nursing, medical, and other students interact with a manikin to practice caring for patients in a risk-free environment. Practicing treating different diseases.
Clinical features of HPS PULMONARY: Spontaneous respiration Chest excursion Oxygen consumption Uptake and elimination of anesthetic gases CARDIOVACULAR: Heart sounds Electrocardiogram Cardiac arrhythmias Defibrillation Pacing PHARMACOLOGIC Includes library of pre- programmed pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters for over 50 intravenous medications Barcode reader identifies drug, concentration and dosage and patient responds appropriately
Advantages Simulation allows participants to purposely undertake high-risk activities or procedural tasks within a safe environment without dangerous implications to themselves or their patients.
Simulation can improve participants skills and allow them to learn from error. Learners are able to gain a greater understanding about the consequences of their actions and the need to reduce any errors and prevent them from happening again.
+ Simulation based learning can be set up at appropriate times and locations, and repeated as often as necessary. It can be undertaken in- situ with minimal resources, or it can be undertaken in amazingly high technology simulation centres. Learners address hands-on and thinking skills, including knowledge- in-action
Simulation based learning can be customised to suit beginners, intermediates and experts.
Disadvantages 1.Money 2.Size 3.Lack training 4.Cannot simulate everything
References: healthcare john-meurer-recruiter
Pictures - Team working on patient - different maneqqenes - no error - Money - Size No experience